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Elizabeth Taylor dead at 79
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26 Mar 2011, 03:39
Post Count: 11
I have so much respect for her and what she did for for AIDS Awareness. May she rest in peace.
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26 Mar 2011, 17:28
Post Count: 162
Before I go back to reading the delicious walls of text over he-said, she-said (oh boy), I'll just comment on the topic of this thread.

Hollywood has lost some royalty, it has. Her children and grandchildren will surely miss her the most, but nonetheless she was lovely and had an excellent sense of humor. I mean, asking to be fashionably late to her own funeral? Good job, Liz. :)
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26 Mar 2011, 18:01
The Ryan
Post Count: 415
Taylor was one FIERCE Egyptian Queen, yo! She'd have got it in her prime. For sure!
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26 Mar 2011, 23:34
~Just the 3 of Us~
Post Count: 98
In response to thread itself...people who cried hysterically over Michael Jackson's death irritated the CRAP out of me! For christ sake people, did you know him personally? No? Then fucking get over it. I'm just one of those people. I might go "awwww" if a celebrity I like died but that's about it. I was at the passing of Princess Diana and watched her funeral but was no more sad than if I had been watching a movie with a sad ending. I didn't know her personally and while she died much too young, it didn't impact me in any direct way than to feel bad for her young children at the time. And she's probably the ONLY "celebrating" I've felt anythng more than "awwww bummer" for. Just my opinion.
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26 Mar 2011, 23:34
~Just the 3 of Us~
Post Count: 98
I was not AT the passing of Princess Diana...I meant to say when I heard of the passing of Diana, etc....
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27 Mar 2011, 01:13
Post Count: 1779
Actually, I was once sad at a celebrity death - and I was so surprised at my sadness that I totally wrote a Bloop entry about it (although that was before the Big Bloop Crash, so alas it no longer exists). I was sad when Richard Whitely died - although I'm not sure that he really counts as a celebrity, because he was always so understated and self-effacing, and Countdown was hardly a huge blockbuster of a show! I used to watch Countdown at 5:20am whenever I worked night shifts, and so he'd sort of become part of my life (although I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have felt sad if Carol Vorderman had died - although there would have been a lot more hype!). I think the understated, self-effacing, bumbling eccentric persona appealed to me. And the fact that he really represented a bygone age, of old-fashioned courtesy and modesty and awkwardness and complete lack of the 'me me me' attitude of so many celebs. He was a quaint oddity that couldn't be replaced, because he represented a time that has past. And his death was also totally unexpected - I was fully expecting him to continue hosting Countdown indefinitely!

As for Liz Taylor, she was a great actress. I loved her in 'A Little Night Music', even though she really couldn't sing - her acting made up for it. And she was brilliant in 'Taming of the Shrew' and 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf'. But I never felt any particular fondness for her as a person or anything that she represented, nor was she a regular part of my life. I haven't even watched most of her movies. And because she'd faded out of the spotlight, and she was in her late 70s, her death wasn't really a surprise. So for her I just feel that she made a valuable contribution to film, rather like Audrey Hepburn (who also couldn't sing!).
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27 Mar 2011, 23:58
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
i agree with Mommy Bunny... yes, when a celeb dies... its sad but dont get all "bawling my eyes" about it.
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25 May 2011, 23:58
♥ Aime
Post Count: 22
Geez, I'm kinda afraid to write what I feel, thinking that it might be misinterpreted.....;P I, personally, do not feel either way about Elizabeth Taylor, but, any death is sad and grievous, it doesn't matter if the person who died was rich or famous. In the end, we all leave with exactly what we came in with, nothing but ourselves. I think that the sadness that people are feeling might be the empathetic sides of them - feeling bad for the people that are left behind. But, then again, I work at a nursing home, and I have lost a lot of the residents that I work with. That's one of MY flaws, I get entirely too attached - but they are real flesh and blood people to me. Celebrity's are exactly as one person commented in this thread - they are people too, and most of us do not know anything about their lives, just what they portray to us. So, yeah, I understand why someone would feel sad about learning that someone died, celebrity or not.
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26 May 2011, 04:50
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
"In the end, we all leave with exactly what we came in with, nothing but ourselves." I couldn't agree more.
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