.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
She really laughed? Wow . . .
I really hope she doesn't get pregnant again. She doesn't deserve to have children. |
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
I hope she gets hit by a truck. Out the front of the courthouse.
No- on second thought I agree with CJ. Summary justice. |
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
I read a bunch on info/evidence on the case this morning before I started watching TV.. So many things point to the Anthony home.. How she was found not guilty is beyond me. Either way the bitch better go into witness protection b.c so many people are going to be after her!! I hope Caylee fcks with her moms head!!
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
I hope that baby haunts her every moment. Tho- given the kind of person she appears to be- she lacks the ability to feel bad about what she did.
an empty frame. Post Count: 82 |
I guess I've been living under a rock... Who is Casey Anthony and what did she do? :-S
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
A woman who murdered her child and was just found not guilty of the crime.
http://www.news.com.au/world/casey-anthony-acquitted-of-murdering-two-year-old-daughter-caylee/story-e6frfkz0-1226088605481 |
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
Umm... how about blaming the retard jury?
Pledge allegiance to the flag, with deliberate injustice for all. |
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
Oh yeah agreed here as well. Would be interesting to see trial transcripts on this one. Wonder if the prosecution really fucked it up?
starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
@Pagan- The prosecution honestly didn't have a strong enough case. Evidence was circumstantial, and they had no way to figure out how the poor baby died. So, the jury was a bit stuck, given the concept of reasonable doubt. It's definitely the state's fault.
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
Thankyou- we obviously didnt get the coverage over here that you guys did. No less outraged at the result tho. I feel for the jurors.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
never heard of this woman till today. this is why i don't think juries work. you can't get a bunch of untrained people to decide guilt or not. it should be up to a panel of judges.
F C U K Post Count: 134 |
I'm staying out of the forums on this one but I wrote an entry on my thoughts: http://www.bloopdiary.com/dollheart/casey-anthony
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
So I guess Casey's only getting 4 years in prison. This includes the nearly 3 years she's already served and who knows what she'll get for her 'good behavior.' She might not even spend another full year in jail. Disgusting.
~*Queen Bee*~ Post Count: 22 |
Casey Anthony will be released in just 6 days, on July 13, 2011. They gave her credit for 1,043 days served. Plus she gets time for good behavior and there is also gain time, which gives her 5 days off her sentence for every 30 days served.
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
Yea, I just read about it. It makes me want to vomit.
I wonder what it's like to have the whole world hate you? |
MindaHeyHey Post Count: 12 |
i'm sure casey anthony will soon find out and i can't wait.
American Post Count: 221 |
I think the prosecution screwed it up. I heard the closing statements and theirs sucked. They didn't shape the circumstantial evidence towards Casey Anthony very well so defense just threw random crap at the jury (it seemed to me) trying to feed on 'reasonable doubt.' And they shouldn't have pushed so hard for death penalty/1st degree murder w/out proof of how daughter died (that's after-the-fact speculation/hindsight). Maybe something just below that. She def deserves prison or worse for very long time.
SoA Post Count: 252 |
She's being released the 17th. Hopefully Karma decides to come out and bite her in the ass before then.
SoA Post Count: 252 |
Saw this posted by a friend of mine on facebook and thought you guys might enjoy it. Song in Tribute of baby Caylee
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
Bitch should be sterilised as a condition of her release.
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
I agree!
Mini Source Post Count: 1 |
Florida, home of the worst district attorneys in America.