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Baby's palate/food memories developed in the wom
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12 Aug 2011, 16:15
Post Count: 1779
Haggis is great! Really, it's not much different from how sausages were traditionally made. Now sausages are made with plastic skins, alas - animal intestine is far better for you and more natural!
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12 Aug 2011, 19:02
Post Count: 1010
@Estella rly? My family makes our own sausage and we still use pig intestine. Kinda gross but eh, the sausage is good. XD
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12 Aug 2011, 19:07
Post Count: 1779
Ah, so why does the idea of haggis terrify you? Most haggis-fearers are grossed out by the idea of intestine.
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12 Aug 2011, 21:30
Post Count: 1010
@Estella tell me what's in it again? I think it's b/c of the stomach? I've had all these things before separately, intestine, stomach, tripe, etc. but not put in that way. All the ways I've eaten those things are in an Asian style cooking and that's ok; I don't exactly like it but I don't hate it either. It's just sorta eh. From pictures that I've seen... doesn't make it look very appealing. :-/
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12 Aug 2011, 21:43
Post Count: 1779
Oh, well, yes, it's got odd bits and bobs from the animal inside it (the offal - lungs, heart, liver, etc.) but then so do sausages. Gosh, cheap commercial sausages often contain bits of eyeball, ear, and bone!

Sausages are generally made from pig, whereas haggis is made from sheep. Haggis is spicy. To be honest, a lot of commercial haggis nowadays is in an artificial casing like sausages, as opposed to intestines. I guess I just don't see a significant difference between haggis and sausage, so I get confused why people who merrily eat sausages get freaked out about haggis!
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12 Aug 2011, 23:51
Post Count: 1010
@Estella ah see yeah I normally don't like all those things; I'm quite picky about them b/c I don't rly like the taste/texture (it doesn't rly gross me out though). Is haggis like all ground up together like sausage is? We make our sausage out of pork and some other things. I think it's just the way I've seen it cooked; from what I remembered it looked like it was just... boiled and not very flavorful. :=/
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12 Aug 2011, 18:13
Post Count: 2651
Don't think about what's in it. Haggis is delicious. Although I actually prefer the vegetation version.
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12 Aug 2011, 19:03
Post Count: 1010
@RF if I ever get the chance I most likely will. xD I rly wanna try raw oysters too but I need to go w/ someone who'll be able to finish them if I don't like them (I rly can't stand waste). I'm thinking it's gonna be the same w/ Haggis. :)
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11 Aug 2011, 14:40
SugarNSpice Surveys
Post Count: 128
that last comment was meant to LN and from me on my personal diary, d.i.n.o.s.a.u.r
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12 Aug 2011, 08:28
♥ Mia Famigli
Post Count: 23
My mum craved cream when she was pregnant with me, i hate cream.
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12 Aug 2011, 11:11
Post Count: 377
Adding my own two cents to the conversation:
My mum eats a lot of peanut butter, and she ate a lot of it when she was pregnant with me. I can barely tolerate the stuff.
She also ate a lot of it when she was pregnant with my younger brother, and he's allergic, so...
And my mom's actually a really good eater as far as being healthy goes, but I'm not.
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12 Aug 2011, 16:19
Post Count: 1779
Aubrey, yeah, I also don't eat a diet anything like my mother's. However, when I was a little child, my dad always used to pop grapes into my mouth, and I have always loved grapes ever since. So I imagine the things that influence our taste are quite varied!
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