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President Calls Out GOP
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2 Oct 2011, 03:52
Post Count: 252

"President Barack Obama said anyone who wants to be commander in chief must support the entire U.S. military, including gay service members."

When I read about the GOP members that where there and did not say or do anything when people booed the service member... I just didn't and don't have the calm state of mind to comment on it still. I couldn't even mention it in my diary when I first read about it. I mean, *sigh* you want us to vote for you but you can't even get up off your butt and call people out for being disrespectful towards a man that puts his life on the line for them on a daily bases?! Yeah, you aren't getting my vote.

"Obama has said his views on gay marriage are "evolving", but for now he only supports civil union."

He may not support gay marriage, but at least he is keeping an open mind and allowing it to "evolve" in his mind. To me, that is at least a step in the right direction.
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3 Oct 2011, 00:21
Post Count: 64
totally agree 100%!! i think that even if he does fully support gay marriage, it would pretty much be suicide for his(and any candidate's) next potential presidency. so i like that hes brave enough to say its evolving. to me for him to fully support it would get my vote faster. its hard to look at someone who is close minded, with old ideas as a leader for our future =/
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3 Oct 2011, 00:31
Post Count: 252
Exactly. Our country isn't the same as it was sixty years ago. Nor is it the same it was last year. We are always evolving, so I find that it's rather silly to elect someone that refuses to open their mind and evolve with the country.
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3 Oct 2011, 02:10
Oprah Noodlemantra
Post Count: 300
I agree; I think it's essential that our Commander in Chief be someone who can keep a sensibly open mind and not look down on people because of their sexuality.
I would love for him to fully support gay marriage (which, I personally think is just marriage), but at least he's trying.
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3 Oct 2011, 02:22
Post Count: 252
I'm the same way. It's just marriage between two people who love each other. & the CIC should be open.
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4 Oct 2011, 22:15
Post Count: 221
For people who like "open minds," y'all are pretty closed minded yourselves. If u have such open minds, why do you not just respect other ppl's opinions instead of labeling them "closed minded?" Besides, gay marriage is hardly what Obama needs to be focused on right now. Perhaps you don't want him to be, since his focus on jobs just causes job losses.
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4 Oct 2011, 23:42
Post Count: 1938
I've been getting better with it, American, yo. It's all a part of maturing, that's all.

However, I disagree. Civil equality should be at least one of his top priorities.
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5 Oct 2011, 02:47
Post Count: 252
What should we call someone that is not willing to look at all sides of a discussion? I respect peoples opinions, however, I find it a lot harder to do when that person refuses to hear someone out on their opinion about something. That to me is being set in their ways & disrespectful at the same time. When you are going to be disrespectful about how you are set in your ways, that makes me think you are a close minded person.

I think as a President he should be focused on issues that will allow our country to make every American feel equal & not segregated or discriminated against. I think part of the job of a President is to bring everyone together.
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5 Oct 2011, 01:24
Post Count: 26
A country cannot thrive, and constituents cannot be successful until they are all equal. When there's a gap in civil equality, that gap manifests in the failure of a country. Which is what we're seeing right now. There's no middle class anymore, and we're fast reverting to a perverse caste system (thanks to the ever-worsening health care debacle). Indeed, allowing same-sex couples to marry would mean an INCREASE in tax revenue. GLBT people can be quite well off. I'm not sure why Obama is shying away from potential revenue in that way.
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