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Archbishop says: give up virtual world for Lent.
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4 Mar 2009, 22:32
Super Logica
Post Count: 148

The archbishop of the Italian city of Modena wants young Catholics to give up text messaging, social networking websites and computer games for Lent. Monsignor Benito Cocchi said foregoing the activities would help them "cleanse themselves from the virtual world and get back into touch with themselves".

I'm guessing most people are going to disregard his advice, since we are all still here.

So... What have you given up for Lent then?
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4 Mar 2009, 23:03
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
I think that's a great idea. Young people should try it.
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5 Mar 2009, 09:48
Post Count: 269
I've already given up shit that I don't need.


The next thing I sacrifice for a short period of time will be my dignity while I whore myself for money to pay for college, seeing as there are no jobs anywhere around where I go to school. (And trust me, I've been hunting for the last two months nonstop).
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5 Mar 2009, 11:14
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Everyone except Estella, yo!
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6 Mar 2009, 11:35
Post Count: 180
He wants you to "fast"..not give up something. And the point of fasting is not to get "in touch with yourself" it's to get in tune with the Lord. Something to glorify Him. Not yourself or some man made spiritual person who thinks you should pray to him.
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4 Mar 2009, 22:40
Me, I'm Not
Post Count: 93
hahahaha! That's funny!
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4 Mar 2009, 22:51
Post Count: 1096
Ah the joys of not being a Christian so I don't have to give anything up :)
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4 Mar 2009, 22:55
Post Count: 462
You don't have to even if you ARE Christian. Not all Christian denominations "do" Lent. :)
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4 Mar 2009, 22:57
Post Count: 1096
Too much effort to type out the denominations that do as we all know anyway, talking of which my flat mate is a practicing christian, but she had never heard of shrove tuesday or ash wednesday! No idea what she hears in church!
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4 Mar 2009, 23:14
Post Count: 462
I didn't know anything about "Ash Wednesday" until I was about 27 years old and some woman came in to my work with a big black spot on her forehead. THINKING I was doing her a favor and let her know she had something on her forehead, she gave me a dirty look and said "It's Ash Wednesday."

As if that made any sense to me anyway. I mean, if I didn't know the purpose of the black spot on her forehead (and I STILL don't), then obviously I'm not going to know the significance of that day.
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4 Mar 2009, 23:22
Post Count: 1096
The ash is from burnt palm crosses from the previous years Shrove Tuesday, the ash is mixed with oil (the type used for baptism/christening) , the vicar then paints the cross/spot on his own forehead and the congregation then says, Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
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4 Mar 2009, 23:23
Post Count: 462
Yeah, I decided to look it up after I posted my comment. :) But thanks for the effort. :)
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4 Mar 2009, 23:25
Post Count: 1096
I went to a CofE primary/elementary school so they bribed us with sweets so we would take part, only reason we used to go to chris cringle too!
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7 Mar 2009, 19:19
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Oh god, I went to a C of E primaey school and I remember all that shit. So bloody boring, sitting in a cold church for an hour when it was nice and sunny outside :-(
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6 Mar 2009, 11:33
Post Count: 180
Yep, I agree Shannon.
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5 Mar 2009, 03:44
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
wow, what on earth is her church teaching? or is she just not listening? lol. they're both fairly common things in christianity i'd have thought ;D
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5 Mar 2009, 03:43
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i don't get the whole give shit up for lent. why not do lent properly? can people not be assed to moderate their meat intake? it used to be about fasting. i've never given up anything for lent.
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5 Mar 2009, 11:30
Mojo Jojo
Post Count: 278
Ah but did you know that most Saints days were fasting days in medieval/Tudor times? And not for the message of abstinence, but to ensure that the fishing fleet still had a job? I think it was Elizabeth I who made eating fish on Fridays/Saints Days obligatory to protect her ships!
The Tudors...always twisting religion
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5 Mar 2009, 12:30
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i did, lol, but me thinks most people don't know this. it just amuses me how twisted things like that get. i wonder what people will do for lent in 100 years?
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5 Mar 2009, 14:24
Mojo Jojo
Post Count: 278
Oooh I don't know. Give up virtual sex!
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5 Mar 2009, 04:04
Post Count: 274
I gave up drinking soda. It's SUPER difficult. I'm trying to think about Christ's sacrifice that He made for us by dying, and pray for His strength whenever I wish to drink soda. I'm trying to do things for the right reasons.
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5 Mar 2009, 10:24
Super Logica
Post Count: 148
umm... not sure you can really compare you giving up soda with Jesus' sacrifices.
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5 Mar 2009, 18:18
Post Count: 274
i am not comparing it. i'm saying "if he can do THAT, i can do this." i'm using it as a manner of reminding myself of how much he's done. i'm just trying to keep myself in the mindset.
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5 Mar 2009, 23:29
Post Count: 111
I gave up soda without thinking of "christ."
not as hard as one things. I've been off it for 2 months (with cravings obviously, but you just drink something else).

I don't have to give up anything for Lent. The joys of being atheist. xD
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5 Mar 2009, 11:00
Catch May If You Can
Post Count: 157
im giving up and all junk food, candies, cookies, chocolate, soda, take out foods

my mom suggested giving up all my technological luxuries, but i just picked something different
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