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Vatican defennds Brazillian excommunication.
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8 Mar 2009, 19:01
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Poor girl, being able to conceive at 9! That's some unfortunate shit.

This is one reason why I am not religious, aside from the whole not believing in it anyway.
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8 Mar 2009, 19:11
Post Count: 2651
I doubt very many religious people (that's not just Christians, but other religions too) would agree with what was done to this girl, or her mother and doctors. It's hardly a good reason not to be religious. Not believing in it is though. Lol.
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8 Mar 2009, 22:02
Post Count: 204
I think its more the hypocrisy that runs rampant in the Christian religion.

I don't know a lot of people from other religions, so I can't say whether or not I've noticed hypocrisy or not. However, Christians not only seem to be more plentiful, but more vocal, so its hard not to notice it.
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8 Mar 2009, 22:09
Post Count: 2651
There's plenty of less vocal Christians though. I'm on of them. I'd never push my religious views on anyone, and like many Christians I'm sure, I think the treatment of this girl by the catholic church is horrible.
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8 Mar 2009, 22:25
Post Count: 204
True enough. I have plenty of Christian friends that don't try to change me or my views, and try to live thier lives as they see fit. I'm just saying, that may have been why Acid Fairy cited it as a reason for not being religious.
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8 Mar 2009, 19:12
Post Count: 2651
I think this is just sickening. That poor child.
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9 Mar 2009, 11:09
Post Count: 378
Yes...shes the victim in this.

I think a whole lot of people have lost sight of that.
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