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Kids mistakenly drink wiper fluid at Ark. day ca
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14 Mar 2009, 09:40
Tam I Am
Post Count: 311
Lol. They should be different. I know that I myself have used an empty milk jug when I've made tea before. I tend to grab whatever's handy when I want to make something to drink. Maybe the kool-aid container she used looked a bit like the washer fluid container. Stupid possibility but hey, it could've happened.
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14 Mar 2009, 09:42
Minda Hey Hey™
Post Count: 330
I guess what I don't get is that she said she bought it at the store and like someone else said, how do you get something like that in grocery aisle? Usually the automotive and juice are in TOTALLY different parts of the store. Someone pointed out that another person could have placed it in that section but I have NEVER seen something happen like that.

Gah. I don't know why I care so much.
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14 Mar 2009, 09:48
Tam I Am
Post Count: 311
Unless she went to different parts of the store. Did she shop at Wal-Mart cause we all know how lax they are about putting things in the right place once it's in the wrong place. Well I do for sure.

This is actually a rather fascinating debate. I think you care so much because there are children involved in it.
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14 Mar 2009, 09:51
Minda Hey Hey™
Post Count: 330
Oh I know...I guess I just still DON'T get it lol. I would even think it would smell a bit different when you open it as well.

Kind of reminds me of the lady that left her baby in the car ALL DAY. People kept trying to say it was okay and parents make mistakes. Yeah, I totally got that and I get that when a baby is first born you're lacking a lot of sleep and I can even understand ten minutes...but really...okay you know, what? I'm going to be quiet LOL. i'm just ugh. I don't know.
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14 Mar 2009, 11:36
Post Count: 2651
What an idiot.
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14 Mar 2009, 15:41
Post Count: 56
my stomach hurts at the thought of this...must be sympathy pains i guess.
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15 Mar 2009, 11:19
Post Count: 58
if you take it as fact that 'koolaid' as used in the article could mean 'generic jug of juice', knowing that dumbasses in walmart-type stores just throw shit anywhere if they decide they don't want it... i could see how she could buy it thinking it was a jug of juice. if some idiot had grabbed a jug of washer fluid, decided they didn't want it, and tossed it in a cooler on the way by, or, to be fair, some punkass kid put a bottle of washer fluid in the cooler for shits and giggles, or some walmart employee thought 'this looks like a box of jugs of juice, let's put it in the cooler'... i could see it happening. especially if she had kids at the store with her.

i don't see how she could have failed to realise it wasn't juice once she went to open it, though. windshield washer fluid smells nasty.
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15 Mar 2009, 16:44
panda bear.
Post Count: 150
This place is turning into a fucking Bloop CSI or something.
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