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Flu Shot Girl - Desiree Jennings is CURED.
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17 Feb 2010, 19:05
Post Count: 242
Another Blooper posted this in their diary...
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17 Feb 2010, 19:06
Post Count: 242
Ok, obviously I can't embed the video...
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17 Feb 2010, 19:33
Post Count: 1938
"Cured" my dick. It was a hoax.
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17 Feb 2010, 19:42
Post Count: 242
Yeah, no kidding... I guess my sarcasm didn't translate.
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17 Feb 2010, 19:50
Post Count: 1938
Oh, no, I got it, just agreeing, lols.

I hope this chick gets arrested.
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17 Feb 2010, 20:17
Post Count: 2651
I hope the idiots on here who responded to the original video with "I'm not getting the flu shot now!" are feeling thoroughly stupid.
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17 Feb 2010, 20:27
Post Count: 242
I whole-heartedly agree!
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17 Feb 2010, 20:35
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
What are you talking about!? This girl is totally for real. Last year when I got my TDap vaccine I ended up with an Australian accent and the only way I was able to move about was to crab-walk. Of course I'm cured now.
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17 Feb 2010, 22:01
Post Count: 239
it's a christmas miracle!
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18 Feb 2010, 02:23
Post Count: 885
True story. I saw it ;).
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18 Feb 2010, 05:48
Post Count: 79
I don't get the flu shot...ever. What's wrong with that?
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18 Feb 2010, 21:29
Post Count: 2651
I didn't say there was anything wrong with not getting the flu shot (I rarely get it, although I did get the swine flu shot because I know of young, fit people who have ended up in intensive care with swine flu. Also I often work in labour ward, and wouldn't want to give swine flu to someone who was pregnant, as it has killed a number of pregnant women).

My point was that it's stupid to NOT get the flu shot just because of the original story. And when the original story was posted, there were people on Bloop who responded with comments like "I'm not getting that shot now!". Even if the story had been genuine, the chance of any sort of severe reaction to the flu shot is soooooo rare. Meanwhile flu kills millions of people worldwide a year. So to make such a decision based on the original story is what is stupid (not the decision not to get the shot. Every person has to make that decision for themselves, according to their personal circumstances and risk factors, but they should use a little common sense when doing so).
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18 Feb 2010, 21:53
Post Count: 79
Ah...makes sense. I don't know if it has changed at all, but the last time I took a flu shot I had a nasty reaction because of some egg situation in the shots. Since then, I haven't gone near any flu shots. I have a low tolerance for eggs, apparently, and it isn't pretty.
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18 Feb 2010, 06:58
Post Count: 1010
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17 Feb 2010, 22:49
Me, I'm Not
Post Count: 93
LMAO! She is such a fake. Her "accent" is horrible too.
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17 Feb 2010, 23:43
Post Count: 751
Can we say attention whore??
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18 Feb 2010, 00:11
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
I am going to bump this continuously.

Actually, I'm more confused than anything else. And whatever accent is she trying is pretty... odd.

What was the point of this whole thing? Did some anti-vax organisation pay her big bucks? Her neurological symptoms were very strange and do not easily make sense, let alone as being a result of a the vaccine (for example, the running/walking backwards thing...), and the fact that she achieved an almost 'complete recovery' with a few DAYS (or weeks) of mere pharmacological treatment is dubious at best.

Either way, if it was a complete hoax, I'm disgusted. I hope this gets as much, if not more, publicity than the original video did. And I hope that people who decided against vaccinating their children in response to the original video rethink their choice, and also consider that the people behind the original case may have agendas of their own.
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18 Feb 2010, 00:12
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
Wait, the accent she was attempting was AUSTRALIAN? lolololololol.
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18 Feb 2010, 00:59
Post Count: 322
I've never, ever heard of any kind of neurological disorder making you talk in an accent. Like, seriously, what the heck is that?
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18 Feb 2010, 18:13
Post Count: 1779
There is, yo - people can get 'foreign accent syndrome' after a stroke. It normally sounds like English isn't your first language though - not like a fake Australian accent! But foreign accent syndrome isn't really an accent as such, although it sounds like one - it's more... well, it's actually what the girly says, where the speech sounds you've learnt come out wrong.

This is weird. Like, I'm not convinced it is all simply a fake, because when they say she is walking normally, her gait doesn't actually look quite 'normal' - or rather, it's not the smooth gait of a cheerleader. It is a bit ... I don't know how to describe it, but kind of like her legs are asleep. Rather like how I've seen people with MS walk. She looks a bit like there is something ever so slightly wrong.

The whole thing is odd though. I think people are quick to react to something with 'OMG that is terrible!' and then equally quick to dismiss it as fake, because both extremes make great news items, but I think we can't know for certain. She says she has cognitive issues still - well, we haven't seen her psychologist's report, so we don't know. Maybe she does. Some aspects of her speech do sound a little like someone who's had a stroke. Someone her age is more likely to make a quick spontaneous recovery from a neurological injury. She could just be a great actress - but then, why would she? It's not a glamorous thing to act.

The psychogenic explanation makes more sense. And she can't say that she knows it isn't psychogenic, because she wouldn't be able to know such a thing - it would be pyschological issues manifesting themselves in bodily reactions which she would be unable to control. I think it is real for her. Psychogenic things are still physically real. And if it's psychogenic, then it would make sense that she was cured by some strange cure, because it would work as a placebo.

Adopt one today! Adopt one today!
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18 Feb 2010, 01:06
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
I should really pay more attention... her symptoms were largely alleviated by FORTY EIGHT HOURS of treatment (which was not just pharmacological)?! Hah. Sure.
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18 Feb 2010, 06:59
Post Count: 1010
OMFG that.. wow. Her Australian accent?!?!! COME ON! XD
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18 Feb 2010, 02:27
Post Count: 308
I never heard of this girl til now. But after watching that video, it seems to me like her movements were simply well rehearsed rather than actual spasms. Being in total control of her movements would make sense, considering she's a cheerleader.
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18 Feb 2010, 13:57
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
ok that's not an aussie accent. it sounds like some bastardised aussie/english accent.

this is a big fat what the fuck.
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18 Feb 2010, 23:33
Post Count: 64
what a wiener!! lol i MIGHT believe some dr. with natural cures helped her, but then she had to toss in the lame accent. if some company paid her, they paid the wrong girl, what an idiot!! lol
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