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25 Feb 2010, 22:39
Post Count: 1938
How do you feel about tipping in restaurants? Do you agree with some restaurants making tips mandatory? Do you think restaurants have the right to call the police on people who skip out on tips? Do you think these people should be arrested?

I don't think tipping should be mandatory, and I think people should be grateful that they receive a tip from their customer, not angry. I believe a tip is a reward for good service, and should never be expected, let alone included in the bill.

That being said, I don't agree with restaurant owners being allowed to cut money out of their employees' paychecks because of tips. Minimum wage should be kept at a single price across the board, no exceptions.
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25 Feb 2010, 23:03
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
I don't get tipped in my job, and I work a lot harder looking after kids than I did when I waited on menopausal women. My wages were the same at both jobs; minimum wage. So no, I don't believe in tipping.

Some restaurants phone the police?! Why? It's not law to tip, is it?
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25 Feb 2010, 23:28
Post Count: 408
Tipping isn't technically mandatory, and it's silly to call police over something like that- but there certainly are situations in which you should tip, or else you're being quite rude to the person giving you service. It all comes back to how they are paid, though, and what's customary for that specific job. It just depends on what we are talking about here.

Agreed that everyone should get at least minimum wage on their paychecks-unfortunately not everyone does (like in a lot of restaurants in the US).

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26 Feb 2010, 00:34
Post Count: 885
I agree with you! Tips should not be mandatory (I can, however, understand large groups having gratuity added in), nor should they be expected. They should be worked for and be appreciated. I also think that just because wait staff are expected to make tips, the employer should be legally allowed to pay them $3/hour. Just because they COULD get tips doesn't mean that they WILL get tips, much less get enough tips to make up for the wage cut.

That being said, I tip depending on service. If you keep my drink full and are courteous, you get 20%. If you're not as attentive as you could be, 15%. If you're an ass and ignore my slurping of my obviously empty glass, you get nada!
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26 Feb 2010, 00:35
Post Count: 885
Wow, thats supposed to say, "I also think that just because wait staff are expected to make tips, the employer SHOULDN'T be allowed to pay them $3/hour."

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26 Feb 2010, 22:45
Post Count: 1010
$3 an hour?! I've never heard of any place paying their wait staff that much. Except for Lamberts. That place is insane. They get min. wage AND tips. Not sure how the legalities of that works.
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27 Feb 2010, 02:32
Post Count: 885
I dunno, my friend that is a waitress here makes $3/hour, but I looked at the average minimum wage in the US list and some states listed the minimum wage for tipped employees and the highest one I saw was $2.87!
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27 Feb 2010, 02:38
Post Count: 1010
Huh yeah that's weird. The highest I've heard here is 2.50 and that's quite rare. It's mainly 2.13/2.15 here.... :-/
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27 Feb 2010, 02:41
Post Count: 885
Not really.. I mean, it depends on if it's a chain restaurant or a one-of-a-kind-hometown restaurant (which, I've seen, for some reason will pay MORE than chain restaurants, even though they make less) what kind of restaurant it is, etc. I know of the one that makes $3, and then another one that only makes $2.10.
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27 Feb 2010, 02:44
Post Count: 1010
Huh, might be b/c they hometown restaurant won't get as much traffic? So servers don't make as much tips so their per hour is more whereas a chain might be bigger and more busy.... Idk, none of the restaurants here, chain or otherwise make that much. :(
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1 Mar 2010, 03:49
[mandie knickers]
Post Count: 157
and lord knows the wait staff gets a shit load of tips working there.
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1 Mar 2010, 03:51
Post Count: 1010
Oh yeeeeah they're insane in the summer. xD
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1 Mar 2010, 03:51
Post Count: 1010
Oh yeeeeah they're insane in the summer. xD
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1 Mar 2010, 03:51
[mandie knickers]
Post Count: 157
i wouldn't doubt it. i've still never been. maybe when i make that next trip down to see you, we'll go. ;D
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26 Feb 2010, 02:33
Post Count: 751
I don't think it is right for the employers to pay below minimum wage. My friend works at Ruby Tuesdays and she might work 8 hours but only make $10 in tips that day because people around here just DO NOT tip. The restaurant will make up the difference to make it to where she was at least making minimum wage but if she turns it in more than 3 times she is fired. She only makes about $2 an hour. It's ridiculous.

I also do not think it's the customer's place to pay the waiter/waitress. If the restaurant isn't making enough to pay their employees at least minimum wage then they should just raise the prices on the menu.
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26 Feb 2010, 02:58
Post Count: 408
The restaurants make plenty of money, they just don't WANT to change the system to pay servers differently. It's been done this way for a long time, and it's not fair to servers, but obviously big chains son't want to have top spend more on their employees if they don't have to,
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26 Feb 2010, 04:41
Post Count: 751
See and that's what makes it so hard on customers because if we stop leaving tips then maybe the restaurants will get the drift that they are going to have to foot the bill & pay their own employees. But on the other hand, I would hate the effect that would have to take place in order for it to transition. Lots of people would have to quit their jobs because realistically coming to work for $2 an hour isn't worth working at all in my opinion.
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26 Feb 2010, 03:54
Post Count: 322
I rarely ever tip under 15%. If I do, it's usually because it's quite crappy service and I usually still tip 15%. I tip 17% for mediocre service and 20-25% for great service. My best friend is a waitress, and that's how she supports their family.. I know if she makes crap in tips, she doesn't have extra money, etc. Also, I hear all the time about how people have a 120.00 bill and leave her a $5.00 tip. $120 at Olive Garden is a large sized party or lots of food, etc and a $5.00 tip is NOT adequate.
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26 Feb 2010, 22:48
Post Count: 1010
Well put. Even when I get less than great service I still tip. I know what it's like, being really busy and not being able to get to the ppl and they get pissed b/c I can't give them as much attention and then I don't get as much of a tip. @____@

I think I've stiffed waitresses maybe once or twice @ the max.
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26 Feb 2010, 22:37
Post Count: 1010
What? Restaurants are calling the police for ppl skipping out on tips?! That's such bs and I'm a waitress. Jesus.

While I don't like the idea of tips (and I speak of this as a waitress), I do believe in them b/c waiters/waitresses only make a max of $2.50 an hour since the gov't sees making tips as a part of someone's paycheck. So no tips = no pay so I always, always tip unless they've given me INCREDIBLY shitty service.
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27 Feb 2010, 21:46
Sypha Belnades
Post Count: 64
If you can afford to eat out, you can afford to give a tip.

I agree with the whole "Tips should be an expression of gratitude for good service, and not expected! Food service businesses shouldn't cut minimum wages in the expectation that tips will make up the slack!", but in the end it doesn't matter -- the reality of things is that in the US, not tipping a server is essentially theft.

Seriously, what you're (and what I'm, really) saying is nothing new. Try telling owners and managers to pay their servers a living wage. Try contacting your representatives to make this practice illegal for your state/this nation. See how much those people care.
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27 Feb 2010, 23:56
Post Count: 1938
...not tipping a server is essentially theft.

No. It's not. Not tipping a server either means they gave shit service, or you can't afford to leave one.

If you can afford to eat out, you can afford to give a tip.

Let's say you have 20 bucks, and you're getting paid the following day, but you want to go out to eat, and your bill comes out to 17.50 plus tax? Your bill comes out to be 19-something, and pocket change for a tip.

Anyway, the entire point is that the restaurant paying below minimum wage isn't the customer's problem. If they want to leave a tip for that reason, then they will leave one. If not, then it's not "theft" or wrong in any way. Like I said, a tip is a reward, and most of the time, the customer will leave one, but the waiters have no business getting upset that someone dodged a tip, especially if they didn't get a tip-worthy service.
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1 Mar 2010, 04:34
Post Count: 50
but the police thing I've never heard of...that's sooo very new to me...and that's kinda taking it to far...maybe the waitress/waiter was being an shouldn't have to tip someone for shitty service
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1 Mar 2010, 04:33
Post Count: 50
I only tip if the waiter or waitress is providing good service. Because i'm a waitress myself and 2.15 a hour is a total bitch when your only income is dumb jerkoff customers who think it's funny to run you crazy to see if you will keep your manners the whole time[grr]

and I don't think it's fair to cut somebody's wages either, because most people DON'T offense or anything...but it's true...they just don't...sometimes they don't like the way you look or your attitude but were I work your lucky to get a tip from the customer
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3 Mar 2010, 14:09
Mojo Jojo
Post Count: 278
In the UK, it's not obligatory like it seems in the US. I tip places that don't have a service charge, as long as I get good, prompt service. I usually tip 25% coz my mum used to be a waitress, lol.
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