Chris Post Count: 1938 |
I'm quite frankly glad he's returning to golf. I was getting tired of people having opinions about his personality or his private life. I think he handled the situation wonderfully, and it's about time he got back to his life. In 5 years, people will be laughing about this entire situation, and he'll still be winning golf championships and making more money in a day than most of you will ever see in your lifetimes.
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I never gave a crap about Tiger Woods' affairs. Yeah, he was a cock, but it doesn't affect any of us in any way! Why the media had to go on (and on and on and on) about it is beyond me. I don't know how it was in America, but in the UK the tabloid hounding was ridiculous.
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
Go Tiger lol. IMO the only thing he did wrong was hide it from his wife, then again I am the type that believes humans arent meant to be monogomous. Just me though.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
my dad said it made him reasonably more interesting because it showed another facet of his personality, but aside from that he wondered why everyone gave a shit lol.
RealLifeComics Post Count: 571 |
*high fives*
valerieeeee Post Count: 274 |
I think it was good he took time to get his affairs (haha pun) in order, but now there's no reason why he shouldn't keep going with golf, like Chris said. That is completely unrelated to the sport, so really, it's none of our concern. If some random guy on the street cheated on his wife with a few dozen women the way Tiger did, it wouldn't be headline news and nobody would care what he did with his career, so why should we give Tiger that sort of attention also?