love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
So there's an interesting phenomena on bloop (well, to me anyways). I read some drama that happened on Anon. Source's diary and another blooper. Well... Chris is still here and I just tried to click onto other blooper's diary... and she's gone.
Do we drive all the good trolls away? XD I've been doing the online thing for a good 10 years now, w/ blogs on lj, TOD (defunct), OD (don't write there anymore xD), and here. TOD had some GREAT trolls/drama, lj... you actually have to find it. ONTD is great for drama llamas along w/ most of the sister ONTD sites (ontd_twatlight, ontd_samworthington, ontd_ana, etc etc) but if you don't actively go looking for it? You won't see it. Not really. Very seldom (at least in my experience and I've been on LJ for 6 1/2 years) does drama come knocking on your diary door. Here? XD Bloop seems to breed drama.... Feisty is gone (anyone remember her? XD), Danny's gone, the anonymous bloop diary is gone (about fakes? for the life of me I can't remember the name....); where are all the good internet trolls?! XD Bring back some fun! XD |
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
Haha, honestly I think they just get bored of constantly getting yelled at haha. I miss dear anon though. Sigh.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Dear anon!!! That's what it was called. xD Could not remember for the life of me.
Well if they'd stop being idiots they wouldn't get yelled at. XD It's fine to have an opposing opinion; the problem is too many ppl here don't know the diff. between simple debating and an all out YOU'RE SO STUPID FOR BELIEVING SUCH AND SUCH and not realizing that they make themselves look more stupid when they don't use correct spelling/grammar. XD |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Haha it's because he knocked her down with facts, reason and logic. And it was EPIC.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
I just kept going back and forth, back and forth giggling. xD
My problem is that I tend to get so frustrated w/ stupidity that I can't be smart anymore. I'm so befuddled by ppl's stupidity that it shuts my brain up by going, "there are no words for these ppl." XD |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Haha I am totally the same! ;D
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Kinda pisses me off b/c I like sounding/looking smart and educated (hey that college stuff has to go somewhere xD) but it doesn't work as well when I can't do a decent argument b/c I'm so damn frustrated. XD
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
I get frustrated, too. In herby's case, I got pretty frustrated because she was so relentlessly stupid. Like, I got pretty frustrated when she was like, "What, can't handle being wrong?" when I made a comment about her usage of the word "your." It only takes a few minutes of focusing before you respond in order to get it right.
Also, an edit function would work wonders. |
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Well the thing is, she wasn't a troll. She was a legit idiot.
If anything, I'm more the troll. |
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Well true but it was the most exciting thing to happen in like a month. XD
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
Gosh, she musta been a soft troll dude! She didn't last long at all. She was bloody annoying though, whilst she lasted!
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Yeah I think she was here for like a week?! XD It was bad. XD
Makayla Post Count: 751 |
haha I was scrolling through here & Jordyn (my 2 year old) points to your daughter in the picture & was like "OH I wanna hold that baby! I'll be careful." lol Totally off topic but just thought I'd share. ;D
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
I think she was both, yo! Like, she wanted the dramaz and the attention, and would say things for shock value, but she wasn't clever enough to carry it off in an effective way.
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
That's the thing, I don't think she was saying anything for the shock value. I think she actually believed the shit she was saying. It just makes her stupid.
lithium layouts. Post Count: 836 |
I don't have time or energy to feed trolls. But kudos to those who do, and get a kick out of it. xD
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I think I always get Tommy and Danny mixed up...
But I think one of them might be back. Check out 'Odd' in the forum on the girl who committed suicide because of bullying. |
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Danny was the pedo, Tommy just had the extreme opinions, as far as I knew.
But yes, I can totally see that. |
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
i miss dear anon. even tho some of my favs/friends got written about. but it was usually by *lurkers*...
FEISTY/KARMA is still around but her diary is on private. that bitch was hilarious! she prolly had the record for most people blocked!! |
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Haha, I thought Feisty deleted herself when everyone started adding "Feisty" to their name.
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
lol shut up =P actually this is an old diary name. except i bolded something back the day. i cant remember what! (too much wine right now)
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
LOL I don't think he meant you as such :P A whole bunch of us did it to get a rise out of her... totally worked!
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
I remember that... coming onto bloop and Mandie's yelling at me , PUT FEISTY IN YOUR NAME PUT FEISTY IN YOUR NAME WOMAN!!! I was like, ok! Goodness.... XD
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Rofl, I remember that. It was in chat and Mandie (I think?) was worried about fitting feisty into her name.
Didn't she end up with Feisty Lady MK? ;D Totally my suggestion, win. |