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Please take care on social networking sites!!!!
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15 May 2010, 12:36
Post Count: 378
Missing Facebook teen found dead

* By Tim Vollmer and Evelyn Yamine
* From: The Daily Telegraph
* May 15, 2010 1:54AM

Nona Belomesoff, 18, disappeared after arranging a camping trip / Facebook Source: News Limited

* Teenager met 'two men' on Facebook
* Police reveal her body has been found
* Man has been arrested and charged

A TEENAGER missing from home after arranging a camping trip with two men she met on Facebook was found dead last night.

Homicide detectives, who are leading the investigation, arrested a 20-year-old Leumeah man about 8pm.

Police this morning charged him with murder after the discovery of the body which is believed to be Nona Belomesoff. The man has been refused bail and will appear at Parramatta Bail Court later today.

Police will allege that the second man she believed she was meeting did not exist.

Offficers revealed at 1am that they had found a woman's body about 9.40pm after scouring bushland near Waminda Oval at Waminda Ave, East Campbelltown in Sydney's west.

The teenager's family notified police when she failed to return home on Thursday and was unable to be reached on her mobile phone.

A family member told The Daily Telegraph they believed she was camping with work friends on Wednesday and expected her back home the following day.

Miss Belomesoff, 18, was last seen leaving her Cecil Hills family home about 9am on Wednesday.

Police said she had arranged to meet two men about 10am at Leumeah railway station, with the trio planning to camp out in an area of bushland near Campbelltown.

Nona was last seen wearing a white shirt and carrying a small bag.

Officers spent yesterday scouring bushland in the area while detectives interviewed one of the men the teenager had arranged to meet through the social networking site.

Earlier yesterday, Nona's brother Gary Belomesoff, 20, described his sister as "a good girl''.

"She doesn't go out often. She's more a home girl," he said.

Mr Belomesoff said his sister, a TAFE student who graduated from Canley Vale High School last year, had a deep love of animals, which was the reason she had planned the trip.

US-based Facebook authorities were last night helping with the investigation, providing access to her profile and tracking her final communications.

Police issued a warning to social network users: "You don't know who is on the other end of the computer.''
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15 May 2010, 14:01
Post Count: 322
This is a sad story... but honestly what was the girl thinking?
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15 May 2010, 14:11
Post Count: 1938
Wow. My sympathy is reaching almost 2%.
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15 May 2010, 16:14
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
wow, your comment is one of the most uncaring comments I've ever seen. You ought to be ashamed of yourself! blame the victim. how typical!

new flash, normal people don't kill people.

and normal people meet strangers on the internet all the time!
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15 May 2010, 17:55
Post Count: 2651
Wow, for once I ACTUALLY agree with you!
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15 May 2010, 22:35
Post Count: 1938
Normal people don't meet people and arrange camping trips. You meet people in broad daylight. You meet people in restaurants or bars in somewhat peak hours. Not in the middle of a forest.

Also, this isn't victim blaming, herp derp. I didn't say this was her fault. It'a a sick dude. I'm just calling her an idiot.
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16 May 2010, 00:11
Post Count: 2651
Actually, you said you had no sympathy for her. That was heartless. It's obvious she made a stupid decision, but to have virtually no sympathy for a girl who was so cruelly murdered... it IS uncaring.
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16 May 2010, 00:24
Post Count: 1938
You know, man, it's a tragedy, but I really can't change the way I feel about this story. If you put yourself in a situation that could have been easily avoided... I mean, I really, REALLY have to try to feel bad for her. Who I REALLY feel bad for is her family. They don't deserve to be put through that, and I hope the guy that did it rots in jail for the rest of his life, or even faces the death penalty. But as I've already said, I'm just not shocked by the outcome of this story.
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16 May 2010, 00:43
Post Count: 2651
So you didn't make any stupid decisions as a teenager then?
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16 May 2010, 00:49
Post Count: 1938
I was fairly bright, and avoided horrible decisions such as heading out into the woods with two people I've never met, and lying to my parents about it. I have pretty good judgment, but good judgment isn't even required in this case. Just judgment. How come when people just hurt themselves or just ruin their lives for doing something stupid, they're just stupid, but when they actually make the home run and die, it was based on an unlucky case of bad judgment?
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16 May 2010, 00:57
Post Count: 230
Kudos Anonymous. If the girl would have picked up a paper and read a little further into where social networking sites could get her, she might not have been in this predicament. Yes, it sucks that she's dead. But feeling sorry for her? I made mistakes when I was a teenager, but as far as meeting unfamiliar people at a campsite is not on that list.
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16 May 2010, 09:51
Post Count: 2651
It's a stupid decision, regardless of the outcome. I have already agreed that she made a stupid decision. My point is that the fact she made a stupid decision shouldn't mean that she deserves no sympathy. Regardless of the reasons for her making her choice, a young girl was burtally murdered. And I think to not have any sympathy for her is extremely cruel and shows a distinct lack of compassion. She made a mistake, and she DIED. She suffered, in pain, possibly for a long time. How can you seriously not have any sympathy for her?
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20 May 2010, 05:49
Post Count: 269
I kinda agree with you a bit there. I mean, common sense says don't go do things with strangers you meet online, no matter what the cause, so this outcome is the predictable worst-case-scenario. I feel bad for the girl, because nobody deserves that, but at the same time, I'm like "Uhh......that shit was pretty predicable and in the common scope of "what ifs" when it comes to this."

I really feel bad for her parents, friends and family.

Sadly, I feel like these kinds of stories won't be going away anytime soon either. :(

People meet each other from the internet all the time. I mean, look at online dating sites. But those meetings were arranged in well-lit places with lots of other people around. I mean, really. If you're going to meet up with people you met online, at least do so in broad daylight, in some well lit place in the middle of town, and take another friend along with you for the first few times you and the random internet person decide to meet before running off into the woods.

TL;DR: Yeah. I agree. Predictable outcome. Horrible tragedy for the family, and a news story that it probably going to become more commonplace as the world and the anonymity of the internet merge.
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16 May 2010, 02:58
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
I've been camping with strangers. It's perfectly normal. she did nothing wrong.

You need to look at who knew this fucking psycho, and how was he able to fool everyone, or were the people around him so fucking stupid, that they need to be charged as well
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16 May 2010, 04:01
Post Count: 1938
Way to completely miss the point. Nobody she knew knew this guy, so that shit is completely irrelevant. Also, you're a big dude, you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself if shit gets real out in the middle of the woods somewhere. She was an 18-year old girl who went out of her way to put herself in a vulnerable position with strangers.
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16 May 2010, 05:15
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
and that absolutely gives no one the right to kill her. That people meet people from the internet, and all over the place in various ways. That strangers meet strangers all the time. This one was a killer, and my point is, i wonder if anyone that did know the killer, not her, or anyone she knew, but his parents, friends, neighbors, etc. I wonder if in hindsight they see someone that now makes sense. Or did he fool everyone else like he did the innocent victim.

meaning if you want to blame someone other than the killer, blame his family, friends, and acquaintances.

and of course in hind site, bec there is no way in the world she could have know he was a killer, but perhaps people that knew him for a long time might have, but yes, the basic generic answer in hindsight, is she, like the thousands of other people that hook up from the internet, should have taken more time to get to know him, and the people he knows, friends & family.
But to say she, or anyone deserves to be killed by some psycho that people who did know him and failed to see a sign, that she who doesn't know him, deserved to die.
That is outrageous! Again sir, you ought to be ashamed of yourself
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16 May 2010, 14:52
Post Count: 1938
I love how you keep telling me I believe something I already explained I don't believe. I'm so glad you know me better than I do, to where you can look at my posts, analyze what exactly my beliefs are, and attack points I didn't make, all so you can feel superior. I'm not ashamed of myself.

It sucks that she died. I feel bad for her family, really. It's a tragedy. The dude should rot for the rest of his life. In an ideal world, situations like this would be few and far in between, however, they're common as shit, and she should have known better. This girl was stupid. End of story. There was no explanation that shifts the blame off of herself for her own stupidity. There was no, "herp derp her brain isn't fully developed" or anything.

She went out of her way (lying to her family) to put herself into this position. She went out into the middle of the woods with two guys she never met, guys none of her friends ever met, on a camping trip planned on Facebook. You telling me there was nothing wrong with this decision?
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16 May 2010, 15:22
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
There was no, "herp derp her brain isn't fully developed" or anything.

Refer to my other reply. xD
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16 May 2010, 16:24
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
I didn't read all your back tracking bullshit.

I addressed one comment, and your replies to me. I care nothing about what you said to others.

Your first statement is to be ashamed of. you are shame. it was a shameful comment.

I called it what it is. Mr defensive (out of guilt, or being scared of what others think of you LOLS!).

It was an uncaring comment. and worse of all, you STILL blame the victim like a fucking RETARD.

She did NOTHING wrong. she is NOT the KILLER.

The KILLER did something horribly wrong. THE KILLER

she didnt kill anyone, that we know of,lol




Yes, in hindsight, the basic common answer (it really sucks playing the repeat yourself game, along with a he said she said backing tracking game of bullshit BORING) it wasn't such a wise decision.

However, girls do meet strangers on the internet, all the time, and some even go camping on their first time meeting. 99.9999999% of the time, nothing happens, because that's what normal people do. They hook up, have fun, go camping, boating, ski trips, trips here there everywhere, with strangers. It's normal. she is innocent.

and i love how you ignore my points. but of course excuse me of ignoring your generic points, when of course i did address all your dumb points, and yet, deja vu, here you are accusing me of doing what YOU do. again! lols!

How many times have you hooked up with a girl or a guy (not sure what your sexual preference is) from the internet?

I met a girl once on friendster, 3 days latter we were having sex,lol

I met my current g/f from the internet, although were talking for a yr or two b4 we met in person. but if we had lived in the same city, i would have been over her house that day!

There's been others to. and all of these girls have been perfectly safe. bec i'm not a killer. and normal people meet strangers for the first time, some fall in love right away, hell, people have been known to meet a stranger, and by the end of the night, they're married!

Girls meet guys, and many will hop on a plane and go to a state they never even been to, and know no one in, to meet with a stranger. This happens every day. You don't hear much about it, unless on judge Judy, like i hear about it all the time,lol

It's normal, people do it every fucking day, why? bec most people are not killers. Now my question is, why didn't those that did know the killer, stop him before he killed? did he fool everyone he knew, like the killer fooled her?

You want to blame her, but you refuse to blame those that did know him, family, friends, etc
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16 May 2010, 16:27
Post Count: 1938
Backtracking, what? I've been consistent the whole time. Not my fault you can't read. Not responding to you anymore, trolly troll.
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16 May 2010, 16:36
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
lol, whatever punk. go ahead and give up and run away, it's normal for you.

ignore all te points made, and just cal me the troll. such a projecting little baby you are *snort*
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16 May 2010, 16:40
Post Count: 1938
I can't respond to your retarded shit, because I haven't done a single thing you've said. I can't point you to a post I haven't made, numb nuts.


Typical Tommy post. I'm really done responding to you this time. I'm not giving you any more fame here, yo. Honestly, what's the best way to handle a child throwing a girly tantrum? Ignore it. You just don't exist anymore. Your posts don't exist. Your weird-ass diary doesn't exist. You don't exist anymore. Enjoy your life, yo.

And because it's inevitable, have fun responding to people who aren't acknowledging your existence.
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16 May 2010, 16:57
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
bla bla bla

now you;re not even discussing the topic at all.

keep your promise to yourself, and do not bother me if you cannot address the points made, i don't mind a few insults here and there, but you have to also ALWAYS, include the TOPIC.

otehr wise it;s just a bunch of kids shit troll shit YOU

again sir. The killer is to blame. not her. You send this time saying how stupid she is, or w/e. no man. what if you was the dumbest person on earth, oic, that gives people the right to kill her, bec she did a dumb thing. NO IT DOESNT.
the end

Mr uncaring shameful idiot
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16 May 2010, 16:58
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
wow, that makes no sense. sowwie. i dont proof read noffin, ever- and i pay the price in being ridiculed,lol
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16 May 2010, 17:15
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
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