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A few suggestions.
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5 Jun 2010, 01:40
Post Count: 1938
So how about some forum stats? Like, where someone posts, you'll be able to see their join date, how many posts they have on the forums, and maybe some basic profile information (age, gender, etc.)

If anything, it'll give people some insight on who is more distinguished on the site, in case newbies had any questions about anything. This could also be pulled off with a reputation system, where people could bring your "reputation" up or down based on how much "rep power" they have. The more reputation points they have, the more rep power you have.
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5 Jun 2010, 01:43
Post Count: 1938
Already suggested, but since I'm vomiting all kinds of ideas to this thread, I'll post it here: A revamp as well as a bit more of a focus on the circles system, so people can browse entries they may be interested in, as opposed to looking for people. It's a lot easier to read entries that interest you than looking for people based on their interest and reading through all of their entries.

And on that note, a function to search by entry rather than only by user.
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5 Jun 2010, 19:45
Post Count: 377
I really, really like this idea. I like all of the ideas you've presented, but I especially like the idea of being able to search by entry/entry topic. Esp. 'cause you can't always tell the topic of an entry by its title, so you don't know if it would interest you or not.
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7 Jun 2010, 00:21
Post Count: 885
How would circles, ideally, work? Would you be able to post to multiple circles or just one? Would you pick a particular circle out of, say, a drop down menu, or tag your entry into circles?
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5 Jun 2010, 01:47
Post Count: 1938
A little more focus on default layout options. A default option that would perhaps add scrolling boxes in entries, or other sort of fancy luxuries without having to go to layout diaries.

I say this because I wanted to create my own layout, and every time I find one that interests me, it's either too feminine, and I'm NOT allowed to change it AT ALL or I'll face some serious wrath. I'm also HTML-retarded.
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5 Jun 2010, 01:48
Post Count: 1938
Bring back the Bloop Newsletter, or the Bloop 'Zine/Ninja. I liked the idea of a Bloop-sponsored spotlight on members, communities, and other fun things of the sort.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:06
Post Count: 93
dude, did you NOT see that I tried to do that and NO one got on board. even the friggin spotlight thing, something ive tried NUMEROUS times to do. it's still there too, waiting to be lauched, and or relaunched.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:08
Post Count: 1938
I've never heard of your newsletter idea. But the Ninja took off like a rocket, yo.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:08
Post Count: 93
really, ive done two! and the had really original ideas, if you wanna see the other one, lemme know and I'll show you.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:12
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Yes, we DEFINITELY need a Bloop based magazine again. Bloop 'Zine has been MIA... Ninja died... it's sad.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:13
Post Count: 1938
Didn't Mrs. Bloop run Bloop 'Zine?
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5 Jun 2010, 02:13
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Kelly and Estella co-ran Ninja. I designed the graphics, of course... Ryan was a guest writer, and some others too.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:14
Post Count: 1938
Well who's idea was it to get Estella to leave Bloop?
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5 Jun 2010, 02:17
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Who's idea? lol. I assume it was Estella's idea.
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5 Jun 2010, 01:49
Post Count: 1938
A small arcade that can record high scores. Just a few games that will cure some boredom and initiate some competition. Add in some games like Tetris, that Helicopter game, Snake, Space Invaders, and other casual flash games.
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5 Jun 2010, 01:49
Post Count: 1938
That is, Bloop community-only list of high scores, not a universal high score list for everyone who's ever played that particular game.
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5 Jun 2010, 01:52
Post Count: 1938
People are just stupid when it comes to threaded comments or posts. They just don't understand it, and it gets really, REALLY confusing when half the people understand how threaded posts work, and the other half don't. I say just go back to listing posts in the forums in chronological order.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:22
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
i agree..
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5 Jun 2010, 07:40
Post Count: 63
I agree with this one. If you come back to a forum post you have read maybe 3 pages of, and when you come back there are 6 pages, you can't just read page 3-6 as people could have replied anywhere!
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5 Jun 2010, 01:56
Post Count: 1938
A more established community feature, as opposed to single diaries that can be used as makeshift communities using the account switch feature. It would be kind of like a diary that can be moderated by the community's OWN chosen staff. People would be able to join the community or request to join by clicking a button rather than sending a message, and you wouldn't have to log out or switch diaries in order to post in these communities. It would be amazing for communities like the Service Association.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:01
Post Count: 1938
An edit feature would also be nice on the forums, but I heard that's been in development for a while now.
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5 Jun 2010, 02:08
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Lots of good ideas, feel free to give more!
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5 Jun 2010, 02:26
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
omg we DEMAND an edit button in the forums!!! lol
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5 Jun 2010, 03:00
jessi bear(:
Post Count: 300
that would be spectacular! lol.
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6 Jun 2010, 01:54
Finally Mrs. Bailey
Post Count: 181
An edit button would be WONDERFUL
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