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Discussion Forums » Bloop Site Development
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Frontpage Bug
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21 Jun 2010, 16:48
Post Count: 93
Maybe it's just me, but for those who have the diary icons show beside the entry title and author in the recent entries list on the frontpage, you used to be able to click on their picture and it would take you to their user profile, now it doesn't. It doesnt do it in the forums either anymore. But if you go to the full list of recent entries, you can still do it. Anyone else notice that?
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21 Jun 2010, 19:24
Post Count: 43
I haven't noticed that, but I have noticed that the recent entries list on the front page looks weird. Instead of the usual 2 colors alternating, the background is just one solid color. The font on the list is different as well. This problem also goes away when you look at the full list.

I've only seen it in Chrome though. I tested with IE and it looked fine. I don't have Firefox so I'm not sure how that looks.
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21 Jun 2010, 20:14
Post Count: 137
Firefox was weird for a bit but seems to have gone back to normal now.
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23 Jun 2010, 19:37
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Try refreshing the page.
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22 Jun 2010, 07:36
Dreamer ♥
Post Count: 167
I use both Chrome and Firefox and I think Chrome is the prob!
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23 Jun 2010, 19:37
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
I disabled it on the main page, and it was never a feature in the forums. :)
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22 Jun 2010, 13:45
Dreamer ♥
Post Count: 167
I just came on and its sorted for now! YAY!
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22 Jun 2010, 14:44
Post Count: 93
it still hasnt gone back to normal for me..
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22 Jun 2010, 15:13
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
The Main Page still looks funky in the Chrome browser.

Chrome is amazing, so I've just been 'dealing with it.' lol.
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22 Jun 2010, 20:03
immortalized artiste
Post Count: 112
I've noticed that lately - the colour change. The entries don't alternate colours and the title of the entry and diary name are blue hyperlinks... I guess it's Chrome though... but it just started a few days ago :/
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22 Jun 2010, 22:54
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
I think Steve might have been changing some things around - I noticed it go weird in Firefox, but it's back to normal for me now. I guess the change is persisting in Chrome.
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23 Jun 2010, 19:03
immortalized artiste
Post Count: 112
all better now!
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24 Jun 2010, 03:08
Post Count: 93
still doesnt.
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