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Boycot Target and Best Buy?
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18 Aug 2010, 06:41
Post Count: 89
So i guess theres something going around about boycotting Target and Best Buy. I was wondering if anyone has heard this and tell me a bit more. I know it has something to do with one of the guys running for governor of MN and something about being anti-gay. I work for Target so its interesting to me and I cant seem to find anything that tells me exactly whats going on.
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18 Aug 2010, 11:27
*~Loving You~*
Post Count: 507 i dont think this would help, that sucks because I WORK for target... :-/

my husband said target donated money in MN to a consverative (sp) candiate something about not liking it... this is news to me...
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18 Aug 2010, 14:50
Post Count: 322
Basically.. they donated 150k to an organization that supports Tom Emmer. Tom Emmer is a very public anti-homosexual and supports persons like "You Can Run But You Cannot Hide" - an extreme Christian Rock Band who believes that "executing gays is moral". Target has been known in the past for being pro-homosexuals and encouraging gay rights movements, etc. I also believe they met with the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) who was asking them to make a counter donation to a pro-gay rights candidate also and they have refused.

For me personally, I'm not shopping at either store right now. I won't give my money to cooperations who are against my own beliefs. If they wanted to "stay neutral" they should have friggin' not donated one way or another.

I believe this... stores like Target, Best Buy, Walmart, etc.. the bigger chains - should simply stay neutral. They shouldn't donate one way or another or even interfere in politics. If the owners or whatever want to donate out of their own personal accounts, that's a different story.

But to hear "Target has donated 150k to blah blah blah.." - there is no gray area in my mind.

You're either for gay rights or against gay rights.. and if you're for gay rights, you don't go around donating to people, candidates, or groups that support ANTI gay rights movements. It's kind of counter productive IMO.

Here's a few links. --- This is the band that thinks it's OK to execute gays for simply being gay.
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18 Aug 2010, 07:42
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i googled "boycott target". found this. dunno much else.
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18 Aug 2010, 14:10
Post Count: 377
Human Rights Campaign has a lot of information about it... I have them on my Facebook friends and they've been posting about the Target/Best Buy boycott -- it is basically because of what Amber said - they donated a ton of money to a guy with strong anti-gay beliefs.
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18 Aug 2010, 18:51
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
i think its so fckd up that they would do something like that.. i worked for TARGET back in 07 and we had soo many openly gay employees.. if they knew about this, it would be more than just hurt. i actually feel ashamed that we went shopping there this past weekend. well i guess its back to walmart we go!
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19 Aug 2010, 01:31
kein mitleid
Post Count: 592
I don't boycott anywhere. I shop based on where it matters: My wallet.
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19 Aug 2010, 05:34
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
Being that I work for Target and also live in Minneapolis, believe me, I've been hearing a lot about this.

The deal is that Target donated money to MN Forward. MN Forward is an organization that is all about creating jobs in MN, they're big fans of economic growth. So Target did not donate money to Tom Emmer as so many people believe. YES, Tom Emmer is a freakin' DBag. However, MN Forward supports Emmer because of what he wants to do for businesses. He wants to control the government spending WHILE creating jobs for Minnesotans. MN Forward also supports other candidates that ARE NOT republicans with retarded views, so get over it.

Look, if you really feel that boycotting Target is going to make a difference, then go right ahead. Just remember that there are other corporations that donate to organizations that support people with shitty views and ideas. Target isn't the only one.

Also, don't take it out on us employees. It really bothers me when 1) someone talks to me and gets pissed off that "Target" hates gays but 2) NONE OF US HAD ANY SAY IN THIS MATTER. No one, at any Target store, had any say in whether or not this money was donated. So don't take it out on the employees. Target Stores do not hate gay people. There are employees at stores that are of all different races and religions and sexual orientations.

So if you really feel that shopping at Walmart is a better choice because of some donation, then go ahead. At least Target doesn't try to make their employees work off the clock.
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19 Aug 2010, 11:13
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i agree. i hate when people take it out on the employees like the employee had any control over the situation. so many times i've said: "i don't make the policy's, i just work here". take your complaining to someone that gives a shit: ie: the people in charge. though they probably don't care, but they're more likely to change shit than i am.
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19 Aug 2010, 14:54
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
i have friends that work for walmart and none of them work off the clock!
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19 Aug 2010, 16:47
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
@Fearless my husband worked for walmart for a year, my mother in law worked there for over 8 years and was a manager at three different stores, neither one of them was asked to ever work off the clock or even tell their employees to work off the clock, in fact, they would get in trouble if they stopped and talked to a customer on a professional level after they clocked out and were leaving the store.
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