Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Yes, you read that right, pink!
Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I thought it would be a fun idea if we could make Bloop pink for the whole month to help support breast cancer awareness. I am hoping that we could get the main page to go pink ;) (Although, that would require some coding on Steve's part!) as well as diaries. I myself have a few breast cancer-related layouts and buttons that I'm going to be posting before the week is up, but I thought, why not try and get all of bloop pink? What do you guys think? C'mon Steve, support the ta-ta's! |
KerriBlue Post Count: 260 |
I support this idea only because - well I love pink. And it only has to be for a month!
Although, here in the good ol' AUS (I mean, Australia) it is apparently Sober October. Not to be confused with Dry July. To be honest, I don't know what the difference is, But it's probably the two worst months to expect me not to drink. My birthday is in july and it's Spring Racing in October. |
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
There's apparently also Domestic Violence for October as well...and something else, I don't remember what.
I think if it had a pink ribbon, more people would know about it ;D |
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
sober october? never heard of it. i'm sure the company i work for doesn't like the fact that it's in the middle of the spring carnival, one of the booziest times of the year.
KerriBlue Post Count: 260 |
@Jessica - I hope I see some pink ribbons on sale soon. Unfortunately I think some people buy things simply for the novelty and forget that it's actually for a charitable reason. I think people need to keep in mind the charity as well as the item. But hey - so long as it raises money for a good cause, I guess the rest is just relative.
@&Skull. Yeh, the website is The television ads have started airing now. I remember it from last year and i only heard about Dry July this year. Soon every month will be anti-drinking month haha. |
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@Kerri - I think that's why they make so many things in pink now. Every time I go to a store, I see a bunch of new appliances and other cooking-related things (oh the irony!) in pink. It makes me want to buy all of them ;D
KerriBlue Post Count: 260 |
@Jessica Ohh i know. My friend had car seat covers that were breast cancer awareness covers. I was so jealous of them, they were really nice. I'll always pick the BCA items when I'm in the store..I mean it's added benefit that its pink and (like I said) I love pink, but I also feel i'm doing good in the world. Haha.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@Kerri - same! ;D Last year-ish, when I went to the store my dad asked me to get him a new coffee pot. I'm sure you can guess what color it was.
Needless to say he returned it himself and got a stainless steel one ;D I'm no longer allowed to buy anything for the kitchen, because it always comes back being pink ;D |
lithium layouts. Post Count: 836 |
Hahaha! I'm in Australia and I did not know about either Sober October or Dry July. xD
lithium layouts. Post Count: 836 |
Yes! *support* :D :D :D
Dreamer ♥ Post Count: 167 |
I'm all for it! C'mon Steve! Make it pink!
*~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
That's a good idea maybe even pink smilies like they used 2 have for halloween the different smilies?
Opie's Old Lady Post Count: 459 |
that's a good idea.
I really hope Steve does this. It would be amazing. |
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Once I'm all done with the server bill, I'll concentrate on making the site pink. :) [Steve] [reply]
Opie's Old Lady Post Count: 459 |
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@Amber: Oooh, I'd love pink smilies ;D
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Pink, pink, pink!! :D
*~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
i came back on im like WHOAH its pink! thanks steve! :-)
Opie's Old Lady Post Count: 459 |
I'm all for making Bloop pink for the month!!! I lost my grandma to breast cancer so I'm all for getting the word out there about Breast Cancer and supporting the Susan G. Kolman foundation. Definitely making all my diaries pink for the month.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@His Future Wife: I'm sorry for your loss :(
Opie's Old Lady Post Count: 459 |
@ Jessica: Thank you. She was and will always be the strongest and most wonderful woman I have ever known. My first tattoo is going to be in honor of her, so looking forward to that. :D And thank you again, especially for wanting to get Steve to make Bloop pink for the month. I think it is a fabulous idea!
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@His Future Wife: That's so great. :) I love 'In Memory' tattoos. They're always the best ones because so much thought goes into them.
And not a problem, I love pink so much, and I had to watch my grandma go through Breast Cancer treatment, so I'm really big on the cause. :) Hopefully he'll agree to it. We've had bloop halloween colored, why not pink? ;D |
Opie's Old Lady Post Count: 459 |
@Jessica: Me too. I feel the same way, the thought and time that goes into those and they always come out so amazing.
I totally agree, if we've done halloween why not pink? maybe we can even go silver for brain cancer. I had a coworker a few years back her son lost his 4yr battle with stage 4 brain cancer. I just have to remember what month it is. |