Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Funeral of 9-Yr-Old Girl Murdered in Tucson
Westboro Baptist Church says that God sent the shooter to Tucson, Arizona to kill and maim as many people as possible. And the followers of WBC plans on protesting at the funeral of 9 year-old murder victim Christina-Taylor Green. Christina was born on September 11, 2001, and was shot Saturday morning waiting to meet her Congresswoman, and passed away a short time later at the University of Arizona Medical Center. According to her father, John, Christina was recently elected to the student council at Mesa Verde Elementary School in Tucson, and has always been interested in politics. She had also told her parents that she always wanted to help those less fortunate than herself. It was all too common to hear her say, "We are so blessed. We have the best life." Christina also enjoyed singing in the church choir at St. Odilia's Catholic Church, where she also just received her First Holy Communion this past Spring. She was also the only girl on her Canyon del Oro Little League baseball team, The Pirates, where she played 2d Base. Baseball was in her blood. Her grandfather, former major-league pitcher Dallas Green, was team manager for the Philadelphia Phillies when they won the World Series in 1980. Meanwhile, At WBC... Westboro Baptist Church, best known for picketing at the funerals of servicemen killed in combat and taunting the grieving families, has posted a news release which states in part; THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER -- 6 DEAD! God appointed this rod for your sins! God sent the shooter! This hateful nation unleashed violent veterans on the servants of God at WBC--hoping to silence our kind warning to obey God and flee the wrath to come. God sent the shooter to shoot you! And He's sitting in Heaven laughing at you!" WBC prays for your destruction--more shooters, more dead carcasses piling up, young, old, leader and commoner--all. Your doom is upon you! Source: What is WITH these people? A nine year old, really? |
Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
Well, who else would they protest? The judge that was killed? No, because that wouldn't be 'shocking' and that's what these people do- The prey on shock value.
I personally think that they are very, VERY good trolls. They disguise themselves as a church, but I think they are really a very dangerous, anti-religious organization. They pretend to be religious, and do all these horrible things in the name of God to make everyone turn around and say "See! Look how crazy religious people are!", when in reality, they are the furthest thing from religious themselves. I think they play a very good game, and a lot of people fall for it. Check out this site: (And tell me that these trolls don't sound a lot like the WBC trolls...) |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I wouldn't call them anti-religious... I'm anti-religious, if we are taking it to mean 'against religion'.
You could throw the same blanket over Muslim extremists... they genuinely think they are doing what their god wants them to do because they are easily manipulated individuals who have been brain washed into doing other people's dirty work for them. The same can be said of the Westboro church. I think they are just a group of sociopathic nutjobs who found each under the guise of a 'church', and each person's poisonous views has helped to poison each others' views to the point where they are all rampaging lunatics. They think that because they call themselves a church exempts them from holding such views, when in fact it makes them look worse. Instead of being retarded knuckle heads, they are retarded knuckle heads who think doing what they do will get them into heaven! Fuck me. |
Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
I don't know. You're probably right and I'm just reading too much into it, but it seems like they do way too many ungodly acts to possibly think they take the religion seriously. A lot of anti-religious people are perfectly normal, but even they have their extremists, and I just wonder if WBC isn't among that group. Using religion to justify doing horrible things in a time where everyone is already questioning and turning against religion? It just seems like the perfect way to get everyone who was unsure to agree that religious folk are nutjobs. I cant tell you how many articles I've read on the WBC scandals, and on every one, at least one person says "See, this is why I hate religion!"
It just seems like they are a very well organized hate group sometimes, I guess :-/ |
I hate extremists. And all of them are going to Hell. They make Christianity look extremely bad. Unfortunately "Freedom of Religion" protects assholes like them.
Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
I would call them trolls if they weren't actually doing this in real life. :-/
It's very depressing that people think this is an appropriate thing to do. |
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
why can't one of those nutters go and shoot up a wbc gathering? would they say god sent the shooter then? i really hope someone will do something about protesting this funeral, it's not right.
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
There's just NOT words enough to describe how much I hate these motherfuckers! I agree with Skull. If I didn't have kids...I would GLADLY be that guy.
Fiat Post Count: 288 |
These fools came to my university after a shooting left six dead. The student body ran them out of town. It was a proud day for us. :) Since then I've stopped caring or even acknowledging this group. They're a laughingstock and deserve zero attention.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@MadeToShine: Good job! ;D About time someone shows them how it feels.
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
this just brings me to tears.. how the hell do you protest at 9 year old's funneral? this was an innocent little girl. why?? what satisfaction does that bring them?? that church isn't a church and they are not christian.
Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
@fearless.. i agree w/ you.. that's not a church and they are clearly not christian.. christians are supposed to extend love to others, even those who do not follow.. they are not doing that. they're sending a very hateful message.. and imo.. a 9 year old little girl, who was a pretty awesome kid from the looks of it, doesnt deserve to lose her life :(
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
They're just sick, and the more attention given to them the more they're going to keep doing this stuff.
Hidden Depths Post Count: 81 |
Imho I think that the WBC are most obviously a group unto their own and definitely not a definition of what a christian institution is about. Having had friends who are catholic, mormon, agnostic and athiest, I can safely say that the vast majority of our population would not use WBC to decide whether or not to follow established religion. Also in my humble opinion, anyone who has the audacity to say "SEE! That's why I don't like religion!" is either vastly more ignorant than I thought people could be and/or too afraid to pursue the truth.
In other (related) news... I heard a brief headline that said AZ rushed through an 'emergency law' to forbid protesting at funerals to try to make it so that they cannot protest at the victims funerals. Has anyone else heard more about this? |
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
@Hidden: Yes, AZ DID make that law, and while it will stop them from protesting at THIS will also most certainly lead to a lawsuit by WBC.
Hidden Depths Post Count: 81 |
@MGoB: I imagine it would incite a lawsuit from numerous parties citing that it would be an unconstitutional law (freedom of speech and all). Still, though, it has it's merits in this situation. Alternative to law, though, there are a group of people called Freedom Riders who actually attend such funerals and block the protesters from view. I don't know if they'll go to hers, but I know that they attend a good number of funerals for fallen soldiers. I should see if there's anything on that and report back.
Hidden Depths Post Count: 81 |
*** Correction *** I called them freedom riders, I meant to say Patriot Guard.
Bummer... I found their site and they had the following to say: "Announcement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAGEDY IN TUCSON, ARIZONA We have received many inquiries regarding our presence at the memorial and funeral services of the victims of this terrible tragedy. The Patriot Guard Riders are not a counter protest group. We have a very specific mission statement that focuses on our Fallen Heroes that have served our country and citizens. As a non-profit organization we are bound by law to adhere to our mission statement. Violating that could prevent the organization from continuing to honor our fallen military and first responders. We understand the sorrow these families are experiencing and offer our condolences in their loss and hope that no protesters will attempt to twist their pain for some media exposure. The best way to prevent these folks from attending funerals is to deny them media coverage and attention. That is the only reason they would be there." |
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
@Hidden Depths: I agree 1000% that the law has merit and should be a FEDERAL law. If Congress had any balls at all, they would consider it for an amendment. It has NOTHING to do with freedom of Speech, it just had to do with common sense and good taste.
I swear that If I didn't have kids, I'd make sure there were NONE of them fuckers left TO sue. LOL |
Love Bipolar Inc Post Count: 45 |
@ Poetic Justice: truthfully, they did their job if that is truly their objective.