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Woman on bath salts injures child
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1 Mar 2011, 16:53
Mrs DeJournett
Post Count: 32
This is on my local news. Happened probably about 20 to 30 minutes away from me. There should be test of some sort to see if people should be allowed to reproduce...

Kentucky State Police are investigating an incident from Monday night on Interstate 24 in Marshall County: a woman stopped her car and carried her children across the interstate while hallucinating from synthetic cocaine.

Around 10:30 p.m. on February 28, troopers and Marshall County authorities responded to calls after motorist saw two small children in the roadway. When they arrived, authorities discovered a two-year-old child lying on the inside edge of the westbound lanes of the interstate near milemarker 24. The child had a large laceration to back of the head. Officers also located a woman walking east in the median carrying another small child. The woman was identified as the two children’s mother.

Police investigation revealed that 29-year-old Cynthia Palmer was traveling from Fort Campbell with her two children. Palmer told troopers that she had been snorting "bath salts" and began to hallucinate while driving. Her hallucinations prompted her to stop her vehicle along the side of the interstate.

Palmer took her two children from the vehicle and began to carry them across the westbound lanes of I-24. She stated she dropped her two-year-old child on the roadway and left him. KSP believes this is what caused the head injury to the child.

The two-year-old was transported to Kosair’s Children’s Hospital in Louisville; the five-year-old was not injured and was taken into custody by Tennessee Social Services.

Kentucky State Police arrested Cynthia Palmer and charged her with Assault 1st Degree, Wanton Endangerment 1st Degree, and Public Intoxication. She was lodged in the Marshall County Jail.

The investigation is still ongoing by Kentucky State Police. State Police were assisted by Marshall County Sheriff’s Office, the Calvert City Police Department, and the Marshall County EMS.

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1 Mar 2011, 18:07
Post Count: 322
.........seriously? bath salts?
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3 Mar 2011, 04:25
Winged Centaur
Post Count: 301
Wow, there are some crazies around here, especially around Fort Campbell. Does the story say anything about the children's father? There's not really a reason to go to Fort Campbell unless you have some relation to the military, so do you know if the woman had a husband or boyfriend stationed there?
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3 Mar 2011, 08:49
Mrs DeJournett
Post Count: 32
@ Winged Centaur
I watch the news at least once a day, and I haven't heard anything about the father. But yea, that would be what I think. So you're relatively close to me? Not trying to get you to tell on here. Just didn't think anyone on here was from my area. :-)
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4 Mar 2011, 03:34
Post Count: 22
I live at Fort Campbell!

I heard about this on the news, but it didn't say if she was a spouse or whatever. Either way, it's horrible!
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1 Mar 2011, 18:12
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
Lmao... I know its not funny that a child got hurt but idk about this whole "bath salts" thing...
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1 Mar 2011, 18:22
Addicted to Craft
Post Count: 12
Here's a story about "Bath salts". It's a drug that can be purchased in many stores. I saw it on the news.
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1 Mar 2011, 18:35
Post Count: 1010
Ugh. I get a call every fucking day at my work asking if we have "bath salts." The things ppl will put into their bodies amazes me. Natural highs are one thing, the chemicals and synthetic shit that's in all these "herbal incenses" and "bath salts"? Bleck. Half the time my pipes that I sell I don't know how to upsell them b/c I don't do any of that stuff. And then the bath salts start coming into play. *rolls eyes*
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1 Mar 2011, 20:34
Post Count: 1779
I can't imagine snorting bath salts. Well, I can't imagine snorting anything, but bath salts?? They're soapy. It would be like that awful feeling when shampoo goes up your nose.
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1 Mar 2011, 21:13
Mrs DeJournett
Post Count: 32
Apparently it gives you the same high as cocaine. *shrug*

@Gosh That made me giggle haha. I completely agree! I wanna who thought of snorting that crap in the first place, without knowing what it would do, feel like, etc.
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1 Mar 2011, 21:34
Post Count: 72
haha I was just writing about these bath salts...
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2 Mar 2011, 02:18
Post Count: 107
omg...freakin people man! I swear sh!t like this makes me wanna go on a killing rampage...only for people like this...calm I just hate it!
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2 Mar 2011, 10:01
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
who the hell discovered that in the first place?
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3 Mar 2011, 06:22
Post Count: 64
wow. how stupid and selfish. i cant even believe people. her child may be permanently handicapped becasue she chose to snorted bath salts.
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3 Mar 2011, 15:43
Bellatrix Lestrange
Post Count: 234
There are some seriously crazy, screwed up people in the world.

"Bath salts"? Lol.

& who the heck would drop their child & just leave them there!?
That's horrible.

What a disgrace ):
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4 Mar 2011, 06:14
Post Count: 134
WOW... I knew you could use Epsom bath salt as a laxative as stated on the back of the bag [tried that once when I had no money for actual laxatives, before I discovered I re-developed childhood lactose intolerance] but damn snorting it must BURN LIKE HELL! I guess she wanted to burn her nostrils like hell to know what it felt like for where she's headed!
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4 Mar 2011, 10:38
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
What a farkin nutjob
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