xoxo♥ Post Count: 160 |
A 32-year-old Houston woman is facing felony child endangerment charges after police found her and her one-year-old daughter drunk off of Four Loko!!
Police say that Lashwanda Allen passed out drunk and when she woke, she told them that she found her daughter holding an empty can and stumbling around like she was drunk. Her roommate called the police after asking Allen where her children were. Her four-month-old was found hanging upside down from the bed, with sheets wrapped around her waist. Police said the baby girl was turning blue. A neighbor had found Allen's one-year-old wandering around in the complex's parking lot. She had a blood alcohol content of .09. Unbelievable. And sick. This woman is lucky that her children were found alive. How could she be so careless and irresponsible?? She's now being held in jail on a $2,000 bond. ==================== Really? Only 2.000??? Wow. Just. Wow. |
♥ jes Post Count: 135 |
Omfg. Are you kidding me?! Those poor, poor kids!!!
And only 2k?! EFF THAT. She should sit her ass there for quite awhile. |
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Out of ANYTHING she could have given that baby, she gave the thing fucking ANTHRAX in a can. Holy shit. |
Bellatrix Lestrange Post Count: 234 |
Some people really shouldn't be allowed to have children.
Betch. Post Count: 111 |
Holy. Crap. What's fucked is that, even though what she did was absolutely unforgivable, she'll probably get both kids right back. She'll post bond, go to four AA meetings, say "Jesus is gonna help me raise my kids from now on." and they'll be right back in her clutches, probably eat some pot brownies that she left sitting on the coffee table later on. U.S.A!!!!
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Why is Four Loko seen as so bad, isn't it just the same as vodka and red bull? Don't forget I'm English, we don't have Four Loko here.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
I've never had Four Loko but apparently it's the mix of uppers and relaxants as well. Caffeine as the upper and alcohol as the relaxant that makes it so dangerous. Idk, never had it so I can't speak from personal experience. I guess it makes ppl not realize they're as drunk as they are?! xD
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Alcohol = relaxant
Caffiene = Not a relaxant Alcohol + Caffiene = Your body will be upset with you. |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
@Anonymous: Are you still allowed vodka/Jager/whatever with red bull then? I've heard it's bad for your body but like everyone drinks that here and I don't hear of people dying. Maybe we drink less of it?! Lol. I stick to vodka and Diet Coke anyway, although I do enjoy the odd Jagerbomb.
Meghans Follie Post Count: 433 |
its sold in gas stationed and not clearly marked as having beer in it
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Do you have a link to this article?
Ashalicious Post Count: 90 |
@ Patchwork Princess: Here's one link I found with this article: http://www.myfoxboston.com/dpp/news/offbeat/houston-woman-one-year-old-daughter-found-drunk-on-four-loko-25-ncx-20110317
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
FYI, $2,000 bond (at least it was when I was in Pennsylvania) meant that bail was set at $20,000, a $2,000 bond is the 10% required to post. It's really stupid, but basically, if you can post 10% through a bail-bondsman, you get released.
Ashalicious Post Count: 90 |
Is Four Loko similar to Jager Bombs, as in the energy drink and alcohol mix? It's always sad when parents put alcohol before their children. She's lucky they didn't die.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Yes it is. I think it comes pre-mixed in like a monster-like can.
Ashalicious Post Count: 90 |
@ Patchwork Princess: I had no idea there was a pre-made combo drink like that.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@Ash: Yup yup. There's a bunch of different flavors too.
I know up here, campuses are starting to ban it. |
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
I think they recently came out with a new 'version' of the drink that has alcohol but doesn't contain the caffeine, guarana and what ever that other item was for the "four." Still it's ridiculous. I guess blacking out was a common side effect of that horrible drink which is why they started to ban it in some places (IMO it should have been banned everywhere period).
Ashalicious Post Count: 90 |
@ Patchwork: I wonder if it's banned here too. Seems like banning it will just have people going back to Red Bull and Jager or Vodka. I have never seen it before, thanks for the pic!
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
@ash: girl don't waste ur time finding out what a four loko is b.c its the nasty shit ever!! I had a SIP and it was the grossest thing! I got the fruit punch one. And it literally tasted like beer and fruit punch! Give me a redbull & vodka anyday.. Yeah yeah, I know its not any better.
That girl is plain stupid.. I feel bad for those kids. Such an embarassment! |
Ashalicious Post Count: 90 |
@ Natalie: That bad? Eww beer and fruit punch do not sound good at all! I was a Red Bull and Jager girl, but after alcohol cert class and finding out just how bad it is - no more.
She is stupid, any parent who leaves an open container of alcohol in a child's reach is a first class moron. |
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
Her children should be taken away from her.
Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
this is exactly why i never EVER EVER drink at home. This is why I barely ever drink when I am not home. When I do drink I always watch myself no my limit. My 2 yr old could wake up in the middle of the night and need me, not much help if I am passed out drunk. (This is my mentality as a single mom......it might be different if I was in a relationship or married and knew my son would be okay if I needed to pass out. But does anyone ever really need to pass out?)
Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
I KNOW**** my limit. Omg! Sometimes I wonder about myself and my spelling.
Fenway_faithful Post Count: 34 |
Four Loko was banned in several states because it has been linked to severe cases of alcohol poisoning including several students in the state of washington. and my mom was held on a lot more then that for medicaid fraud.