Mama2Bella Post Count: 5 |
my 14 month old still wakes at night. just for a bottle but she could wake once or 4 times in a night.
any ideas for help in gettin her to stay asleep? i need mom advice!!! |
Lacey Post Count: 144 |
Add baby cereal to the bottle, it will keep her full longer.
Conservative Values Post Count: 51 |
you probably should not have been popping out kids if you do not know how to take care of them.
Mama2Bella Post Count: 5 |
i know how to take care of my kid just fine thank you.
Conservative Values Post Count: 51 |
if you did then you would not be asking strangers on the internet how to take care of YOUR baby
Mama2Bella Post Count: 5 |
askin for advice does not know that i dont know how to take care of my baby! so thanks for ur not needed opinion. but my child is smart healthy and thriving. just cuz i ask strangers for advice doesnt mean diddly about my parenting. and cuz my kid wakes doesnt make me a bad parent either. go bother someone else!
ღ.Life With 3 Post Count: 48 |
I dont think she was asking people HOW to take care of her child.. she was asking for advice of parents that have been through the same thing. Totally not an uncommon thing!
Mama2Bella Post Count: 5 |
thank youu!!
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
My daughter is 3-years-old, and she is just now sleeping pretty much through the night. She actually still wakes up about 1-2 times a night. Some children just do not sleep well.
With Kaidance she slept decently as an infant. She was a breast fed baby for a while so she did wake up for feeds, but other than that she seemed to sleep pretty well. Than she hit her one year old stage and she began waking up throughout the night. Even more than when she was an infant. Some children just don't sleep well throughout the entire night. We would just soothe her when she woke up and put her back to sleep. After she hit two-years-old night terrors began. She was actually waking up screaming, crying, or fussy but was still half asleep! We would never try to just wake her and after soothing her she would go right back to sleep. Now, within the last three months we have established a great bed time routine. Five minutes of snuggles, a prayer, three books (my daughters books are all so short paged it only takes me ten minutes to read them!) and than we leave the room and she goes to sleep. Just, some children adjust at a later age. It sucks but there is hope in the future! |
Blitch. [+1] Post Count: 82 |
I'm no help - my son is the same although he's only 7m. I've already accepted I'll probably have to get up with him at night until he's 5 lol. Have you tried filling her belly before bed so she doesn't get hungry?
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
Mama2Bella Post Count: 5 |
xanax? shut up! and ya her belly is always full before bed. my mom says i was like this til i was 2 so i guess i just gotta accept it. some nights arent as bad as others. but thanks ladies...minus kein.
Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
The no cry sleep solution for toddlers is a good place to start.
ღ.Life With 3 Post Count: 48 |
maybe the xanax for you? Lol.. my first son started sleeping through the night at about 2 months, and rarely woke up. My second one finally started sleeping through the night when he was almost a year old.. occasionally he would still wake up for a cup of milk even after that, a couple of times a week. Now he's 3 and we've moved him to a 'big boy' bed, and he's finally been sleeping through the night. I think some kids are just a little more high maintence than others. She'll get there eventually! It could also be that she's waking out of habit, too. She knows that if she wakes up, you'll get her something to drink. Maybe try giving her a bottle of watered down milk? That way it wouldnt taste as good.. and she'd decide "well if this is the crap they bring me when I wake up, I may as well just sleep all night." Lol.. it's a hard habit to break.. trust me I've been there!
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
If you can't take a joke and are going to get all butt-hurt at every smart-ass answer, maybe you shouldn't be on the internet.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
they do serve a purpose. what's the internet without lolcows?
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
Not on here, so much. What would normally be milked as a lolcow, on Bloop ends up with the lolcow calling up the rest of the lolcow herd, and they all jump to each others' defense, if you haven't noticed. Just look at the BloopSecrets entry about the "limits" to moms or whatever. Obvious troll is obvious, and yet, they all jump to defend each other, and it's not uncommon in the forums.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
still funny though. i don't come across herds of them often.
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
@kein: You waste your intelligence here, man. Just sit back and enjoy it.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
attention mums: stop feeding the trolls. they're just trying to piss you off, because it amuses them. just remind yourself that your kid's alive, sometimes they can be a pain, it's ok to ask for help whilst ignoring silly/unhelpful answers.
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
All three of my babies have slept through the night since 2 weeks old. I do pretty much the same thing with each of them. I dont turn the lights on when I am feeding or changing them, all that is on is a night light that stays on all night while they are asleep, I dont talk to them or stimulate them in any way. I also play classical music at night while they are asleep. I still do this for my four and five year old, because they seem to sleep much more sound when its on, and its good for them, win win.
If anything I say seems like something you want to try, go for it. I am 3 for 3, and hoping the fourth follows suit ;) |
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
I couldn't imagine not talking to them when I'm going into their room. I mean, you can talk to your babies/children in a way that's soothing without stimulating them! You know?
But otherwise I think all of these are great ideas; just some children do not sleep well. |
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
@queen, when I go in there room and its clear they had a nightmare of course I comfort them, but if its just waking to eat, really there is no need to talk to them, because its enough to change and feed them, at least in my mind. My four year old has nightmares almost nightly and I wake her up and soothe her by talking to her, but if my 8 month old wakes up to eat at one in the morning I feed him and back to bed he goes.
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
I guess just some parents parent differently! :) When Kaidance would wake up, even at 8 months old, I would talk to her while feeding her or gently tell her a story or sing to her. I believe a mothers voice is soothing and comforting; and my daughter took well to this routine! Every child is different though! You just have to figure out what works best for them you know?! :)
.November.Butterfly. Post Count: 210 |
a good bedtime routine will help, most people do like a bath book bed, but that didn't work for us as a bath hypes her up! but if you do everything the same each day she'll know whats coming next. we do everything with a song, a going up the stairs song, a brushing teeth song, and then into bed with a cup of water, and i say the same things and do the same things every night.
i also found at that age a snack before bed helped, something like a banana and yoghurt. Lavander is good, you can get those plug in lavander things too. have you tried giving her water instead of the milk? once she realises the yummy milk isn't coming then she might not think the water is worth waking you for, but that can course a battle though! in all though, most children don't sleep through until they're 2+ I know my daughter didnt. its pretty normal. another recommendation for the no cry sleep solution books. |