Jessica Post Count: 283 |
It will be announced in the next few minutes... if anyone else wants to watch. I'll post the results here, when they're announced. |
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
The verdict is... Not guilty of murder, or child abuse.
The only thing they said she was guilty of, was giving false information to law enforcement. |
The Lazy Ninja! Post Count: 16 |
Wouldnt OJ Simpson be proud..
Tiger.10.Baby Post Count: 88 |
That woman has guilty written across her face. How sad for that little girl.
SoA Post Count: 252 |
I want to punch her in the uterus and then punch her lawyers in the face.
If they do find evidence that shows she is in fact the killer(which i believe she is, even if she had help) can they bring her to trial again or would it fall under double jeopardy? |
The Lazy Ninja! Post Count: 16 |
It would be double jeopordy. She could walk out of court, scream to the world that she killed her daughter and nothing could be done
SoA Post Count: 252 |
Well legally nothing could happen to the stupid bitch. It wont stop people from goin after the fuckin bitch.
The Lazy Ninja! Post Count: 16 |
True, and luckly there is no double jeopardy in hell
SoA Post Count: 252 |
So true. That bitch will never know a moment of safety again.
Of course the jury members don't want to talk to the press! |
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
Karmaggedon. That's all I'm saying. Here's to hoping that her next date is with a Serial Killer.
Someone like Ed Gein or Leatherface...*cue maniacal laughter* |
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
I agree with the verdict. There was reasonable doubt, which means that she cannot be found guilty. I am not saying she is INNOCENT. But I agree with the verdict.
Tiger.10.Baby Post Count: 88 |
Part of her punishment should be sterilization. No more potential children should be harmed by this evil, disgusting woman.
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
Yea, I heard the news about Casey "OJ" Anthony a couple hours ago. Way to take a step backwards Florida. Great Job.
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
@ Beautiful Lies: Ya got to love Orlando. They'll find a child murderer innocent and allow her to go free YET...arrest a group for feeding the homeless.
CrystalsLost Post Count: 12 |
Its funny how everyone is blaming orlando.."Orlando" didnt do anything..and the Jurors were from Tampa...
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
They arrested a group for feeding the homeless? OH NO, that is way worse than murdering your child! Geez, glad they have their priorities straight.
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
Love.Struck: Actually, They've arrested the same group THREE TIMES for doing it. Orlando has what's known as the "Stray Dog Ordinance."
The link to the group and what they do is below: |
Kayra+2♥ Post Count: 34 |
Florida, home of slamming onto the gas peddle when the vehicle is in reverse! :D T_T
♥ Steph Post Count: 52 |
I explained the case to a couple co-workers because I was seething about the verdict and they didn't know what it was about and all they asked was how the hell did she get away with it. Totally ridiculous.