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Annoying Facebook posts
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9 Oct 2011, 15:45
Post Count: 1779
What sorts of Facebook posts annoy you?

What sorts of Facebook posts (if any) annoy you so much that you hide a person from your feed, or even unfriend them?
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9 Oct 2011, 16:09
Post Count: 217
OH yeah, and people who randomly start convos with EACH OTHER on my facebook posts. I don't mind if someone converses with me, but if it's just two random people - I find that annoying.
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9 Oct 2011, 16:26
Post Count: 260
Mine annoyance with FB POSTS is people who have family drama that they air via fb...I recently deleted a "cousin" because I couldn't believe the retarded shit she was posting to her mom.

But I really hate, also, when people send out mass messages that have NOTHING to do with me .. and I get alerted EVERY time someone comments.
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9 Oct 2011, 17:22
Post Count: 217
@Amber, you can click "leave conversation" in your inbox when you get mass emails like that! :D
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9 Oct 2011, 20:18
Post Count: 1010
@Lacy just discovered that yesterday b/c other ppl "left" the conversation and I was like, HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THAT THAT'S AMAZING. Took me forever but I finally did it. XD
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9 Oct 2011, 21:08
Post Count: 1938
I always hide someone from my feed if they publicly post political opinions, then respond to disagreement with "IT'S MY STATUS, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT FUCK OFF!" or something to that extent.
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9 Oct 2011, 21:28
Post Count: 1779
@LADY ANON: I've actually never seen anyone on FB do that - only on Bloop! ;D But it annoys me on FB when people post the same opinions again and again in quite an aggressive arrogant way. There's one guy that's quite aggressively anti-Christian and most of his posts are insulting Christians in quite a patronising way, despite knowing that some of his readers are Christians. There's another guy who's very in-your-face Christian, and kind of uses FB to preach incessantly! Both annoy me equally and I've hidden them both!
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9 Oct 2011, 21:31
Post Count: 425
I agree with this. I think whether you are a Christian (or not) no need to "preach in such ways." If you are truly devote and faithful your life will be your testimony.
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9 Oct 2011, 15:53
Post Count: 217
Game posts that flood my feed, and/or people who update about their entire day. Hour by hour. Isn't that what Twitter is for? ;D
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9 Oct 2011, 16:01
Post Count: 1779
You can hide the games though - I have done that, so I don't see them any more. But yes, gosh, people who update their entire day - and state where they are several times a day too! All 'Joe Bloggs is in the city centre', 'Joe Bloggs is drinking coffee at Starbucks', 'Joe Bloggs is waiting for a bus', 'Joe Bloggs is annoyed the bus is late', 'Joe Bloggs is now on the bus - yay!' 'Joe Bloggs is sitting next to someone on the bus who smells like fried beans', etc., etc.
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9 Oct 2011, 16:08
Post Count: 217
@Puck Yeah, I hide the game posts, but still they annoyed me before I blocked them. :P
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9 Oct 2011, 16:03
Post Count: 58
I hate twitter, I barely remember my PW for facebook and bloop I don't need yet another site to remember :P. I don't update hour by hour but I'm a SAHM so when something stupid, or funny happens I like to share. Or if I've forgotten what I've just ate 5 minutes after doing so! lol I don't mind people that do it. And there is now an unsubscribe feature if you don't want updates from someone but still want to be their facebook buddy. Win - Win. :)

I don't think any facebook posts annoy me... except when people type really stupid but that's a persons typing not their post! lol
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9 Oct 2011, 19:54
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
My older cousin would post stupid youtube music videos and I deleted his ass b.c it got really annoying. PLUS he couldn't type a correct sentence to save his life. He even spelled HIS OWN NAME wrong and never bothered to fix it.
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9 Oct 2011, 20:17
Post Count: 1010
Ppl who constantly post the EXACT SAME CAMERA PHONE PIC of themselves all the time. Or the ones who like their own posts (pictures, statuses, etc.). I very RARELY hide someone completely, in fact, I think i've done it once, but this one girl I grew up w/ did both of the former things and it drove me nuts. One time she even commented on her own pic (and the pic was of herself), "what, no comments?!" Oh my god after that I had to hide her.

Constant misuse of "your/you're" and "loses/looses" in statuses also grant on my nerves. Once in awhile typos are fine but it's the ppl who clearly don't know the difference b/c they do it all the time. Thankfully there's not a lot of ppl on my flist that do that so I can just ignore it.

Side note: looses isn't even a word is it?! I know ppl thinking that "loosing" = "losing" but I've seen someone use "looses" for "loses" and I was like... that's not a word... right?!?! XD
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9 Oct 2011, 21:23
Post Count: 1779
@Nikky: Haha - well, if you've eaten a huge dinner, you might want to loosen your belt, but that is not the same as losing it! ;D
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10 Oct 2011, 01:13
Post Count: 1010
@Puck EXACTLY. Loosening something is not the same as losing something. Oye. I don't understand why it's so hard to comprehend! XD
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9 Oct 2011, 21:20
Post Count: 36
I just hide the drama posts. When someone posts things about how stupid so and so's baby mama is and then the baby mama gets on there fighting I just hide it so I don't have to be a witness to the stupidity.
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9 Oct 2011, 21:34
Post Count: 1779
@Shar: I don't seem to get any of that on FB! Seems quite a few people have Bloop-like FB feeds! ;D

I do occasionally get people who post something cryptic and passive aggressive about being deeply disappointed by someone (whom they don't actually name but clearly whoever it is is supposed to realise and feel guilty!). I hide those people. They're never people I'm close to anyway, and I have no idea who they're on about and no desire to see their ugly personal junk on my FB feed!
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9 Oct 2011, 21:42
Post Count: 36
@Lady Puck: It happens mostly when a friend of a friend adds me on facebook and since I kind of know them I add them. Turns into a big mistake since they just cause massive drama. Some people have nothing better to do I guess.
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10 Oct 2011, 02:40
Post Count: 210
I have a friend who is obsessed with child car seats. Every post of hers is about how to properly install a car seat and how to place your child properly in a car seat.
It's annoying, because after 50+ FB posts, I'm sure that all the moms have figured out how to do everything properly with a car seat, thanks to her Facebook.

I also hate overly romantic "Me Wuvs Yew!" posts. Keep it to yourself.
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10 Oct 2011, 02:56
Post Count: 1779
Haha - I have a friend who is obsessed with the right to breastfeed in public, and while I agree with her, reading hundreds of posts about it does get a bit tedious!
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10 Oct 2011, 07:01
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
The constant "Copy and paste this to your status or you will die a lonely gruesome death" posts.

The "son/daughter/mother/brother/sister/lover/cat/dog" week posts.

People starting shit on my statuses for no reason.

People starting conversations with me on a status... just write on my wall dude.

People who leave cryptic status updates taking obvious digs at other people.

People who bag out their exes when they have children/family/mutual friends who can see what they are saying. AWKWARD.
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10 Oct 2011, 12:28
Post Count: 1779
Gosh, yes, sometimes someone who hasn't spoken to me for months will comment on my status asking how I am and what I'm up to - like, using the status as a catch-up type thing, even when this has nothing to do with my status. And I reply on my status with some brief info and ask them a similar question, and they simply never reply. And I'm thinking 'WTF was that all about?!'
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10 Oct 2011, 08:09
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
people who air their dirty laundry, people that post passive aggressive "i'm annoyed at you, you know who you are" statuses, any facebook games, political crap that i don't have any interest in.
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10 Oct 2011, 14:33
Winged Centaur
Post Count: 301
The only thing I really can't stand is the copy/paste statuses. Those people all get removed from my feed.
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