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Representative Maureen Walsh 2/8/12
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11 Feb 2012, 04:34
Moonlight Shadows
Post Count: 90
Watch this

Tell me why she didn't hit it right on the mark.

Ready? Go!

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28 Mar 2012, 00:51
Meghans Follie
Post Count: 433
I get what she was saying. My only issue with what she said - is one does NOT have to be legally married to a person to have that type of strong bond with another person...
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3 Apr 2012, 22:48
Post Count: 1938
MF: I think the point is that nobody should be restricted from having legal representation and sponsorship.
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19 Mar 2013, 05:26
Post Count: 3
I think the point is that nobody should be restricted from having legal representation and sponsorship.
cheap Runescape Gold
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11 Feb 2012, 09:36
Lady Lazarus
Post Count: 126
I'm not American so I have a stupid question: What power does that group of people have? I mean I get that they can legislate, but can they do so without the vote of a larger body of people? How much could that woman potentially affect a change in the law? And is she just in the one state? Is there anyone who can legislate for the entire country?

Other than my confusion over those things and concentrating just on what she said... I think she's a legend. Truely. She couldn't have put it better. She spoke from the heart and I hope that her doing so gave other less open-minded legislaters food for thought.

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