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Current books?
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4 Oct 2020, 01:08
Post Count: 35
So my husband and I watched "The Witcher" recently on Netflix. We finished the series and I discovered it was a book series. So being an absolute nerdling I bought the first few books in the series.

What is everyone else reading?
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5 Oct 2020, 22:09
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
I was going to go check it out on Netflix but then got distracted by Emily in Paris. It's really cute! I'll watch it eventually.....

I'm currently reading Voyager by Diana Gabaldon. The 3rd book in the Highlander series. I'm also reading Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes (second book to You - also a Netflix series) but I put it down for now while I read Voyager.
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7 Oct 2020, 19:44
Post Count: 35
I've read " Voyager" and am going to start "The Fiery Cross" here soon, too. I heard the author is writing a finale to the series, though. I think she was to wait a bit though to make sure her historical facts are correct.
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5 Oct 2020, 16:35
Oprah Noodlemantra
Post Count: 300
Lately, I've been reading nothing, lol. I got Midnight Sun from my mom as a bridal shower gift and each time I sit down to read it, I get distracted. I also have about 30 new books downloaded on my kindle app on my iPad that I haven't read yet, all of them free. I'm a lazy butt.
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7 Oct 2020, 20:28
Post Count: 35
Id "Midnight Sun" in the Twilight series? I haven't read any of those-- haha .
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5 Oct 2020, 21:33
Zombie Mark
Bloop Core Developer
Post Count: 108
Recently read (listened to...) Ready Player One, Armada and the Martian.

I've not read (again, listened to) any for a while, I really should get back to doing that! During UK lock-down I was able to listen to books while working, but I cannot do that anymore now that guests are back at work - ha.
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5 Oct 2020, 22:10
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
I loved Ready Player One but hated the movie! Apparently there is a second book coming out soon. How was Armada?
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5 Oct 2020, 22:18
Zombie Mark
Bloop Core Developer
Post Count: 108
Very similar in the amount that I liked it.

I wouldn't say that I hated the movie, hate is such a strong word hah!
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5 Oct 2020, 22:24
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
Well I feel strongly about how much I disliked it lol
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6 Oct 2020, 00:47
Zombie Mark
Bloop Core Developer
Post Count: 108
Any suggestions as to what to read? Knowing that I loved RPO?
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6 Oct 2020, 13:27
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
Hmm.....let's see.....have you read The Shining by Steven King?
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7 Oct 2020, 19:39
Post Count: 35
ooooooh goodness no. Stephen King kind of freaks me out. The only one I read of his was "Haven"-- i believe it was called-- and that only was because of the "Haven" show on Netflix.
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7 Oct 2020, 19:41
Post Count: 35
I own Ready Player One, but haven't read it, yet. I saw the movie and heard the book was much much better-- as most of them are.
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7 Oct 2020, 19:43
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
Read it and you will think the movie is crap. I hated the movie. I loved the book!
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7 Oct 2020, 19:55
Post Count: 35
It's on my reading list. I have soooooooo many books to read. I can't wait to get a proper bookshelf when we have a house so I can display them all. I just got another book in the mail, too, from my book club, too .
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7 Oct 2020, 20:04
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
I have a big TBR pile, too. Reading Outlander is slowing me down because of the size to them
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7 Oct 2020, 20:27
Post Count: 35
Oh GRACIIOUS! And they only get B I G G E R ! I have the entire series.
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7 Oct 2020, 19:42
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
Horror usually freaks me out and I can't watch or read him either.....except The Shining. Wait, there's another one and I can't remember the name...buncha people get off a plane and the airport is empty and no one is around....geez I'm having a brain fart....The Langoliers!
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7 Oct 2020, 19:53
Post Count: 35
HA! It's ok. Maybe you're having a brain cloud and need to go jump in a volcano. ;P( premise of the "Joe VS The Volcano") movie. I can't do science fiction, either.
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7 Oct 2020, 20:03
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
JOE! Loved that movie! LOL

Mark, Armada by Ernest Cline is supposed to be really good. It's the same author and similar premise.
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7 Oct 2020, 20:04
Zombie Mark
Bloop Core Developer
Post Count: 108
Already read that one!
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7 Oct 2020, 20:05
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
Oh yeah...sorry, you said....was it good? Do you like dystopian? I'm going to go through my list
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7 Oct 2020, 20:11
Post Count: 35
I read The Hunger Games prequel and I wasn't impressed. :(
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7 Oct 2020, 21:19
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
Me neither. I actually wanted to like Snow for a while though lol
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