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Close to War with Iran?
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21 May 2009, 00:33
Post Count: 76
The announcement was likely to reinforce Israeli concerns, voiced strongly by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, about Iran’s regional intentions as a military and political power. The reported launch also followed efforts by the Obama administration to seek a new relationship with Tehran to forestall a nuclear program that Western countries say is designed to build a nuclear bomb. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

President Obama hardened his tone on Monday, saying that he expected to know by the end of the year whether Iran was making “a good-faith effort to resolve differences” in talks aimed at ending its nuclear program. It was a signal to Israel as well as Iran that his willingness to engage in diplomacy over the issue has its limits.

“We’re not going to have talks forever,” Mr. Obama told Mr. Netanyahu after a two-hour session in the Oval Office. The president added that he did not intend to foreclose “a range of steps” if Iran did not cooperate.

How close are we and the world to War with Iran...Even the less hawkish Obama seems to indicate there is a time table and that time may be running out for diplomatic solutions. If we don't act, Israel will and if Israel does who knows when or where it will end.
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21 May 2009, 17:54
kein mitleid
Post Count: 592
This will be just like when Israel pre-emptively bombed Egypt leading to the Six-Day war. History repeats itself.
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21 May 2009, 20:57
Post Count: 460
Israel has been requesting to act for quite sometime now. Bush, got to give him credit here, refused to give Israel the okay, and Bush refused to sell Israel nuclear bunker busters. Obama on the other hand, a person that has promised to never fully leave Iraq, ever. Obama, the guy that bombed Pakistan in his first week in office, Obama the guy that recently bombed innocent civilians in Afghanistan, Obama the man that said "Israel must remain a Jewish state" and "their is no room at the negotiating table for Terrorist (referring Hamas and elected government" The point is, Obama is teh wolf in sheep's clothing. who I predict may turnout to be more "hawkish" than bush, if that's even possable. Technically I should say more Hawkish than Wolfowitz. Consider who one of Obama's advisers is. none other the Brizinsky!

IF Obama was truly interested in peace in the middle east, he would advocate sanctions on Israel until Israel abides to international law, which includes returning to the 67 border
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21 May 2009, 21:52
kein mitleid
Post Count: 592
A return to the '67 border would do little to nothing in terms of bringing peace to the region. There needs to be an actual change on both sides regarding their officials and military stance. Both side waits for the other to flinch, and no one is willing to concede that it is indeed possible for there to be an integrated state between Palestine and Israel.
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21 May 2009, 22:03
Post Count: 460
Returning to the 67 borderline as was agreed upon in the treaty is a must, and it IS the first step towards peace. The rest of the resolution for peace against Israel include: disclosing their nuclear program, having Israel sign onto the nonnuclear proliferation treaty, allowing the inspectors in. Along with removing the apartheid wall, allowing right of return, freedom of movement, and releasing the over 10 thousand Palestinians hostages.
Sanctioning Israel and forcing her to abide to international law, IS the first step towards peace in teh middle east. Of course one must also include the US removing all troops from teh middle eat, and all military bases from the middle east.

I live in a town that was segregated for many years. when i was a child they began to buss in blacks from North town (the black side of town) for school, and they bussed the white to the black side of town for 6th grade. we no longer have to buss by color, bec this town is no longer segregated bec it was forced to change. People want to live their lives in peace. That;s very hard to do when another country comes in and steal land that was never originally theirs, and forcing out teh ones that live there, and expands their border each and every year. this is causing an out rage in the ME and Israel must abide to international law, and stop teh madness.

list a better solution than international law?

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22 May 2009, 00:24
Post Count: 76
I knew it was how I knew.
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22 May 2009, 00:26
Post Count: 460
Jesus told you, i know it ;)

good to see ya brother :)
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22 May 2009, 00:27
Post Count: 460
probably knew bec of the extremely poor grammar and spelings ;D
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22 May 2009, 02:10
Post Count: 76
Well good to see you back. Hope all is well.
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22 May 2009, 06:34
Post Count: 269
Or the ideas and beliefs of yours that are well known and articulated, as much as some might disagree.

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22 May 2009, 14:06
Post Count: 76
First reality check........Israel will NEVER give up Jerusalem and because of that there will never be any real peace in the Middle East
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