So I'm back in the land of Snokompton. There's way too much snow on the ground for the city to handle. I ended up dragging my suitcases behind me after I got off the bus to walk the two blocks in the street to the apartment. It was rather entertaining. By the time I had climbed the two flights of stairs up to the third floor I was so ready to scream. It was a way long day in the airport because my flight kept getting delayed. Spent 5 more hours in LA than I really wanted to.
Ryan and I have been through a lot of emotional warfare, but I think we're both finally ready to admit our faults and move on. Hopefully I will be able to change in the ways I promised I would, and vice versa. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it, but I should probably stop thinking like that and thinking in a more positive light. It will be better for both of us if I can do that.
I can't believe school is starting on Tuesday. It felt like break barely happened. Funny how that occurs. I guess the older I get the more it will feel like that. I'm going to miss my friends very much, but I also need to turn towards reality and face it. I need a job, more financial aid if I plan on continuing school, and to keep my GPA where it is. If I can pull all that off, I'll be golden. Now it's just a matter of getting my ass into gear over a job and financial aid. I'm very excited about my next four classes and can't wait to see what they're like. I hope I'm not disappointed, simply because I'm tired of being disappointed. I want to feel like I'm challenged and using my brain. I'm tired of sitting around twiddling my thumbs, waiting for my classes to get interesting and difficult.
Agh, I started this thinking I had something to say. Guess I didn't. I'm happy I had a great break and drank a lot of alcohol. Now it's time to get to work on myself and on my relationship and on keeping myself busy with school, and hopefully eventually a job.