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Girl of Green Eyes
by Momma 'n' McNizzlett

previous entry: Stupid everything.

next entry: Kind of... well I dunno

I'm somewhat of a brat.


So I was all around disappointed in my evening last night.
Work sucked and there was no word from Pete.
There hasn’t been in 6 weeks. Not even before he left for vacation.
Or after he came back on Monday.
I'm not talking to him untill he texts me.
I made an effort.
His turn.

Today I was up and out the door at 6:30am cause Berta worked the same shift and gave me a ride to work.
Work was lame, mostly because my boss was there.
And Jamie snapped at me cause I can get annoying sometimes.
I get that.
She was having a bad day.
So was I.
It happens.

Didn’t really feel like going out when I got home.
But Daddy was going to Gram’s to play with my cousin, who’s usualy there cause both of his parents are working and he’s only 7 so he’s bored out of his freaking mind, the poor kid.
My Gram doesn’t really have the energy to run around with him anymore… so she calls us when she needs reinforcements against temper tantrums.

Mitchell did a pretty good job of cheering me up, and was very interested to know that I’m a loser and play Nintendogz.
So tomorrow I’m going over again with my Daddy and I’m going to play games with him and give Grams a break.

Shouldn't be too bad of a day.

previous entry: Stupid everything.

next entry: Kind of... well I dunno

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That's so sweet of you.

I wouldn't even think about Pete. Maybe that's a hint to move on. He's not worth the thought or effort to maintain.

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