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Girl of Green Eyes
by Momma 'n' McNizzlett

previous entry: I'm somewhat of a brat.

next entry: Pretty excited

Kind of... well I dunno


Sad… Heather lost her baby.
Hurts to talk about it so she only told Eva, knowing she’d tell me.
She’s sad.
In a way I’m sad for her, because I worry about her.
But I can’t help thinking if now isn’t the time for her to be the amazing mother I know she’ll be someday…
She’s just got to wait a little while longer.

In other, much more selfish news….
Sam’s rat Tinkerbell…. Got knocked up.
We weren’t too sure a week or so ago, but now she’s huge and you can see a baby move sometimes.
So I’m getting a pair from Sam in a little while.
Tinkerbell is a very sweet rat, very friendly and gives kisses, and the “stud” Ben is cute as well apparently.
My brother Colin said he’d like one too, so maybe I won’t get a pair… or maybe he’ll get one and I’ll get a pair anyway.
We’ll see how many she has in another… two weeks or so?
Tink was one of a litter of 12 though.
So hopefuly there’s more than enough to go around.

And Pete has been remembering to text me since Sunday.
Just in response to my first question, about what he was doing yesterday (cause I had the day off... and Becky called me a chicken).
But then we were texting back and forth a bit.
He's not ignoring me... he's just a boy.
Which kind of means he's an idiot sometimes... he's still my idiot.

previous entry: I'm somewhat of a brat.

next entry: Pretty excited

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This entry in turn made me go awe ew then awe

lol. It's terribly sad about the baby kinda intriguing about the rats and totally sweet about how he's your idiot lol.

[Hidden Depths|0 likes] [|reply]

That is defenitely a sad thing, but maybe God realized that maybe she wasn't ready for a child after all and this was his way of giving her a second chance. It probably hurt like hell right now even though she wasn't capable of providing for it.

I think the best thing right now is to give her as much support as you can and try to get her on the right path in her life so that when she is ready to have children, she can.

[CouldBeYou-Again|0 likes] [|reply]

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