So... You haven't seen pictures in a while.
She looks so thrilled.
Zoey was very concerned about the reindeer outfit for some reason... so she came up to check on her... and by check on her I mean lick her face off. Elora was laughing her little head off the whole time.
A while back, my friend Krista and her hubby Justin came over with the fancy SLR camera. I am now making my jealous face at the thought of that camera. But maybe if I'm a good girl Santa will bring me lots of money so I can pay my bills and save for a new camera.
We had a photo shoot.
This one made the Christmas card
Costume change!!
She had had enough by that point though.
So it was nap time for a bit.
She woke up in a much better mood.
There was a game of Toss The Baby (Carefully)
And then some cuddles for Auntie Krista!!
This video is from last night. We were watching the Pens game ( seriously she loves hockey and football. She will lean over to see the tv if you get in her way lol) and she started dancing as soon as the Pens started winning... which was pretty much in the first... ten minutes of the game? Cause they kick ass.
My daughter is a Pens' fan already.