Had a night out with Pete on Thursday evening. Finaly got to see Wolverine
It was good enough that I didn't completely rip it to shreds. Though the size of Gambit's part irritated me more than a little. And his accent sucked just a little.
Anyway... the night out with the boy was only ruined by the fact that we had to be home early. As in leaving the room to go home at 5:45am.
Not fun when the alternative is cuddling in bed.
But he gets a really big fine if he calls off less than 24hours in advance.
And the didn't even call him in enough time to do so. Not fair.
But I got some time with my boy so it wasn't that bad.
Now it's the last night of my vacation and I'm chilling at home with the boys and Crazy.
Might watch the Pens game, might not.
That's all the updating I really feel like doing right not... the weather is starting to try and melt me again.
Not nice.