You know... Oxygen is kind of important.
I've really been trying not to be one of those crazy pregnant ladies who calls her doctor's office for every little thing. I know how irritating that can get.
But at the same time... I'm worried now. Like flat out I have to calm myself down with chocolate worried.
I am trying to stay calm since stressing is bad for the baby... and it also makes the problem I've been having for the past few weeks much worse.
I've been having more and more trouble breathing. Which is extreamly important for being alive.
So... worried.
I know that the baby is taking up more room in my body, pushing upwards as the uterus expands... but it's not a constant thing.
It's when I move... and mostly when I wake up in the morning too.
I wheeze to the point of coughing. Which can be put down to allergies and my sinuses draining... but there's nothing to cough up.
I'm hardly stuffed up at all and when I blow my nose... the wheezing didn't stop for a good solid hour today.
I've also got a family history of asthma so... Worried.
I'm calling my doctor's office tomorrow.
I have an appointment scheduled for next week... but it's good to give them a heads up as to what's going on with my body, and it never hurts to ask questions.
So it's to the Dr's I go... Crazy is suprosingly calm about this one. She's been through the same thing though.
With Justin her asthma was kind of okay, I made it worse (problem child right from the start I was ) and Colin made it waaaay worse while she was pregnant with him and then it was alot better after him.
Hopefuly I'll just have rest more or something. I'm totally down with taking more naps lately.
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