it's been a pretty lovely satruday. the weather is AMAZING: sunny and warm. the snow is all melting, slowly but surely, and that puts me in a much better head space. we've been pretty productive without actually putting much effort into the day. slept in, showered [including a leg-shave that i'd been neglecting for too long and now my legs feel beyond fabulous!], went to walmart, etc. for a few items, grabbed lunch at subway, went grocery shopping, washed the car, and got our first dairy queen of the year. also, i slipped a load of laundry in there somewhere. now that my washer is fully functional again, i cannot tell you how much i actually enjoy doing laundry as it is dirtied and staying on top of things. it is so so wonderful!
when we were at canadian tire today, we ran into a friend of josh's parents who works there. she told me that my hair was wonderful, that she loved my makeup, and that i'm totally gorgeous. i was SO flattered. i likely blushed. josh told me i looked especially beautiful today before we went out, but it's a little different when it comes from a pseudo-stranger.
we watched milk last night. it was an excellent film. |