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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire


the boys are back in town.

LMK how you felt, Pax and I weren't stoked on the end lol


the boys are back in town.

RYC: If he hadn’t literally just made tacos for himself last night, I would do that


the boys are back in town.

Yeah, bone on bone is a fun time. Lol. I'm only 34, though, and really don't want to have a replacement yet.


[Love, Rebekah]

the boys are back in town.

This sounds incredibly painful, but I’m glad its giving you a new lease of life!

[The Ryan]

the boys are back in town.

I’m glad it made you smile! I don’t update often (at all) but this surgery has made me really happy and as cheesy as it is I feel whole again every time I look down at my chest. It’s been a long journey but I really hope I’m done with breast cancer bullshit now.


the boys are back in town.


Funny story about the first time I went to a lingerie store to get fitted. I never really knew my real size. Just bought bras that mostly fit. My mom said let's get you fitted one day so she brought me to this place near my job (it's closed down since and this was quite few years ago) and we walk in and this old lady who comes up to my breast line (I'm 5'2 so God knows what her height was lol) and I told her I needed to be measured. I totally expected her to bring me to a changing room instead she lifts my shirt up in the middle of the store and starts feeling me up! I made this face at my mother like WTF? I almost asked her if she was going to buy me dinner lol

[Greta Garbage]

the boys are back in town.

Yaaaaaaay ❤️❤️❤️


the boys are back in town.

Glad to hear everything went so well!


the boys are back in town.

I’ve never had a problem with it (or any drug - yay!) but I figure if I don’t need it, why even bother. Opioids just make me sleepy and zoned out, and if I don’t need them, no thanks.


the boys are back in town.

I’m so glad everything went smoothly! Yay for boobs!

Tramadol made me sick and did nothing for my pain so you’re probably better off without it.


i believe in a thing called love.

Good luck! I'm sure the surgery will go just fine.


i believe in a thing called love.

I’m so excited for you!!!❤️


i believe in a thing called love.

Thanks! Expect hospital updates if I’m awake/bored.


i believe in a thing called love.

Thanks! It’s been a long time coming, and as freaked out as I am, I’m so excited. Hoping everything goes well!


i believe in a thing called love.

That is so, so exciting! Good luck!!


i believe in a thing called love.

Good luck!

[Greta Garbage]

i believe in a thing called love.

Ah, good luck, yo!

[The Ryan]

all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

lol yes, therapists are ‘those people.’ I know it’s really unfair the way I view them, particularly in viewing them as a collective. It’s just that my experience with the local ones-granted that was a LONG time ago, was really negative. And I’ve since heard rumors, very recently, that patient-doctor confidentiality is not respected at the local group’s office. Which is a huge deal, if it has any merit. I know it’s something I need to very strongly consider, I just can’t stop thinking about how they made me feel before. Which is dumb, on my part..


all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

I can’t believe Alex is a teen either, it’s ridiculous. But so great, at the same time, even though he’s grown up entirely too fast. I realized the other day in just 2 years, he can drive...


all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

Right! Its some bullshit. I could rant for days on this.

[*Forever Changing*]

all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

RYC: Ideally I should be doing that but I've been very fortunate in the last 2 years, I can count on only one hand how many no-shows or last minute cancellations I've had, so it's never seemed necessary. I also wanted to be fair now with COVID that people have the opportunity to cancel without penalty last minute should they be feeling unwell.


all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

RYC: I agree. I feel like since they've made changes, Bloop has been more active


all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

RYC: I suppose it's possible and that thought crossed my mind but I honestly don't think that's the case.


all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

She had to fly to Oahu to see a specialist for her skin cancer 😩🥴🥴 so she was planning on a 14 day quarantine starting Tuesday night, which is why lily went there this weekend. It’s all kind of a huge fucking mess but we are just doing our best to take it one day at a time at this point.


all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

I wish men knew how to behave just a little bit better. Remember, Karma is a female dog and she bites back.

[Daddy Warbucks]

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