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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

next entry: the boys are back in town.

i believe in a thing called love.


New year, new titty! That's the plan, anyway...
I got a call from my surgeon's office today that they had a cancellation for January 5th, I had one hour to decide. It was like a weird ransom request... "you have one hour to respond". So, I freaked out a bit, called Josh, weighed some pros and cons (quickly!) and decided that fuck it, I'm doing it. I've waited 2+ years for breast reconstuction, and if I don't take this appointment, and surgeries start getting bumped or cancelled due to COVID again, who knows how long it will be? I'm very pissed/frustrated with myself that I've gained back COVID/Christmas/whatever weight, but my surgeon is okay to go ahead at my current BMI, so I'm willing to do it if she is.
Surgery is on Tuesday. I work straight through from today until Sunday. I'm "off" Monday, but need to get some bloodwork done for my thyroid (oh yeah, I had half of that taken out in November, which was its own whole thing) and then I guess my mom and I will head to London and stay in a hotel for the night. Between an early arrival for surgery, and it being January in Southwestern Ontario, I'll want to go down the night before. Hopefully I can get takeout from my fave place as a last hoorah to food before I'm eating hospital meals for 5 days. I guess that will be one way to get a jump on the 15 lbs I've gained back in the last few months.
Josh will stay home with Piper, as she has remote learning that week, and of course there's no reason for them to come with me anyway - they can't come to the hospital even if I wanted them to... and why would I want a 4 year old at the hospital while I have 8 hours of surgery? His seasonal work contract ends Dec 31, and being jobless is a bit of a blessing in disguise situation, I guess. Knowing that he's home and there's no weird schedule-juggling that has to happen with Piper makes me feel better about this being such a short-notice situation.
I am terrified - the healing process is going to be total shit. The COVID numbers are higher in the area I'll be going than they are in my home city/county and there have been oubreaks in hospitals in London. And of course, what if I'm the 1% for whom this procedure doesn't work? But on the other hand... having 2 boobs again? Feeling normal in clothes? Filling out tops and wearing my dresses again? Not hiding awkwardly in a rash guard at the beach? I am so so excited to have this done!

previous entry: all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

next entry: the boys are back in town.

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Ah, good luck, yo!

[The RyanStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks! It’s been a long time coming, and as freaked out as I am, I’m so excited. Hoping everything goes well!

[girlsetsfire|0 likes] [|reply]

Good luck!

[Greta GarbageStar|1 like] [|reply]

That is so, so exciting! Good luck!!

[.like.a.drug.|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks! Expect hospital updates if I’m awake/bored.

[girlsetsfire|0 likes] [|reply]

I’m so excited for you!!!❤️

[head.above.water.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Good luck! I'm sure the surgery will go just fine.

[squishStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: all the street lights say never mind, never mind.

next entry: the boys are back in town.

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