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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: if you had a twin, i would still choose you. [photos]

next entry: ain't it fun living in the real world? [photos]

i can't feel my face when i'm with you.


time is flying! i can't believe that baby is due exactly 2 months from today. as much as i'm hoping for a few more shifts in may, it's pretty nuts to think that i can nearly count my remaining shifts on 2 sets of hands - i have 21 left! i rearranged my schedule today so that i have the same number of shifts, but get done sooner, so i'll have a full week between my last shift and my due date. if they aren't going to give me more hours, i might as well play it to my advantage.
i had my first appointment with the ob group this week. it went well. all of my tests and measurements are good. because of my weight (i haven't gained a crazy amount, but i've always been overweight) the doctor was saying that they won't let me go a week over, and will induce closer to my due date. i'd really rather avoid that, especially given that it increases my odds of c-section, so i'm going to talk to them a little more at my next appointment in 2 weeks, now that i've done some research on the subject. i mean, ideally i'll give birth spontaneously on my due date, but this is the real world, so the odds of that happening are only about 20%.
josh and i are both off on friday, so we're going shopping. it's been so long since we've had an ikea/shopping date. we're going to get the shelves for the nursery, then hit the mall for whatever tickles our fancy. a friend from work is going to let sophie out in the afternoon so we don't have to rush back. it should be a good day.
my baby shower is in 10 days, and my birthday is in 2 weeks. the next few weeks ought to be hella fun.
i just ate an embarassingly huge dinner and now i don't want to move off of the couch. ugh.

previous entry: if you had a twin, i would still choose you. [photos]

next entry: ain't it fun living in the real world? [photos]

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Everything about this entry makes me so happy

[head.above.water.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

How exciting!!!! I have less than 7 weeks left. It's crazy! I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am ready but I'm not. We really need to get the nursery done. Kevin was supposed to paint his room last night, he didn't. Ugh. I at least want to. Get the crib set up and the cute things I got from the shower on the walls!

How exciting that you only have 21 shifts left!! Time is flying by. I feel like my pregnancy has gone so fast!

[*Pixie*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Thank you! I actually borrowed it from a friend of mine who is in my birth month club. She wore it for her baby shower with her first boy and let me borrow it. I also wore it for our maternity pictures last night. I cannot wait to see how those turn out!!

Will you guys be doing any maternity pictures?

[*Pixie*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Your baby is due SO SOON! Ahhhh!!!!

[Kate.Monster|0 likes] [|reply]

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