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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: and sugar we're going down swinging. [photos]

next entry: if you had a twin, i would still choose you. [photos]

i keep dancing on my own.


i got a package today from my sister-in-law. it was essentially an early shower gift, which is a great coincidence since she must have sent it on the same day her invite was mailed. there's a onesie, a sleeper, a rattle, a blanket, some burb cloths, and the cutest teeny tiny socks. i was all ooohs and awwws and little squeaks as i was unpacking it. everything it so adorable. and so little. and it makes it that much more real that in 11ish weeks we'll be welcoming this tiny human i've been growing into the the world. it's mind-boggling.
i tried to get out all my dorky gushing over baby stuff out now so i don't embarass myself at my baby shower, but let's face it, i'll still be ridiculous.
my mom is coming up on friday to paint out the accent wall in the nursery. that means i have 2 days to figure out what the hell we're really doing in there. meh, we'll work something out.
i slept terribly last night and my eyes are trying to close on me right now, but it's way too late to take a nap. thank god i don't work until 10 tomorrow.

previous entry: and sugar we're going down swinging. [photos]

next entry: if you had a twin, i would still choose you. [photos]

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I cannot believe it is coming up so soon!!!! <3 eeeeeeekkkk i'm so excited to see this tiny human of yours.

[head.above.water.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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