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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: please have mercy on me.

next entry: so i'll start a revolution from my bed.

I want the ocean right now. [photos]


The great baseball adventure of 2017 was a roaring success! Piper was a gem. She was a mostly-okay traveller, and wonderful at the game. I couldn't have asked more from a 10 month old. Obviously the game itself meant nothing to her, but the Jays won, so I was happy. Baseball aside, Piper certainly enjoyed herself; looking at all the other kiddos (Saturdays are Junior Jays Days, so there are always tons of kids) and flirting with people sitting behind us. She finally passed out at the top of the 8th inning, and slept until we were partway to the car.

[the family that Jays together, stays together]

[taking it in]

I've been in touch with her daycare and arranged some trial days before I go back to work. I've got my schedule for June and I actually have more shifts than I expected, but it will be fine. Yay money. I was actually given the days off that I'd been denied when I submitted my vacation requests, so that was a nice surprise. Now I don't have to worry about switching shifts for my friend's wedding.
We're going to do Piper's birthday party the Saturday before I go back to work. I'm not planning anything huge or crazy, just family and a few friends, burgers, cake, and a cute little munchkin. We're doing cake smash pictures at the end of May, I'm really looking forward to those. I hope that Pipes gets right into it. The photographer has a kid-sized clawfoot tub, so there will be a perfect little photo op during clean-up as well. A cute little bonus.

previous entry: please have mercy on me.

next entry: so i'll start a revolution from my bed.

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I love the pictures! Traveling with babies can be difficult, I've done it WAY too many times for my liking. Ugh. I hope she just demolishes her cake. Evie didn't at first, then it tipped over in the sand and UGH it was a mess, lol.

[♥ jesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

She is so cute. I am use to facebook and tried to "like" the pictures. Lol!

We have Thor's first birthday/cake smash pictures tomorrow night! I am excited. I actually have to make the cupcake tonight. I'm doing a giant cupcake instead of a cake.

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

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