caitlin and i went to an... interactive... thingie... with picnicface the other night. andrew bush and i had A MOMENT. it was pretty rad.
afterward, caity and i went for a drink at the dakota, then walked back to howard park so i could grab a couple of things before she leaves town. it was really great to talk with her, about the boys, relationships, everything. it's so crucial having another girl around to bounce things off of. she's leaving soon [tonight? tomorrow?] for ottawa, for "a couple of weeks". last time she said that, she was gone for a month and a half, but she said that won't happen this time, and i find myself believing her. last time, she was afraid to come back to toronto, afraid to face some things. now toronto is home and i think she'll look forward to coming back. she's just a really cool girl, and gets more rad every time we hang out. i'm glad she and andrew weren't just a fuck and chuck, and that she's obviously part of the family for good.
josh and i went furniture shopping today. we're in the market for a new bed, and possibly for a couch as well. hopefully by the end of the week we'll have made some decisions, and possibly some purchases.
this is the part where you can stop reading, as i'm going to make a list of things i have to do before i leave this weekend, aka shit i have to do by friday morning.
- thread brows/wax lip
- clean the kitchen [dishes, stove, counters, fridge]
- clean bathroom
- empty the kitchen and bathroom cupboards for building-wide pest control [by wed am]
- have a few glorious showers [leg shaving/bikini line]
- laundry
- pack
- tidy living room
- get rid of extra shelves in the office
- treadmill [x at least 3]
- furniture shopping [the brick and sleep country wed, bad boy thurs]
- hang out with andrew??? |