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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: so i'll start a revolution from my bed.

next entry: we are the champions, my friend.

sweet dreams are made of these.


The bachelorette party was a smashing success. I had an awesome time, got the perfect level of day drunk, had an awesome time with the girls, and Piper totally behaved herself for Josh and my mom while I was gone. I took Piper to Jes's shower and she was basically the star of the show. I can't believe that it took so long for Jes to meet Piper, but I'm so glad that it finally happened.
Piper had her 1 year/cake smash pictures on Friday and what an absolute fucking shit show that was. Within a few minutes of us being there one of our helium balloons broke and scared the crap out of her, and a few minutes later a second one popped, leading to full-out traumatization. We tried to calm her down and start shooting, but she was not having it. I gave her some cheerios and then a bottle to settle her, and even tho it wasn't nap time she started to driift off. Our photographer - bless her soul - told us to take her home for a nap and we'd try again later. About an hour and a half later we returned, and Piper still wasn't keen on things, but she was better. I'm really hoping that Jen got some decent shots of her in her cute little dress. I decided we'd try the cake smash, it's a one shot deal and I figured we were there, we might as well go for it. Piper was having a spaz whenever the flash would go, so Jen checked the light and said she should be able to shoot that set-up without the flash; I figured that decent flashless pictures were better than no pictures at all. Piper was so dainty with her cake, and kept trying to share with me, which was adorable, but not at all the point of the exercise. After her cake was sufficiently smashed, and she started to lose interest, we stripped her down for a clean up shoot in the world'd tiniest and most adorable clawfoot tub. I took some photos throughout the process but I'm trying to resist posting anything until I have Jen's pro pics. She's pretty fast and said she'd have them ready by Piper's party on Saturday, so hopefully I can show y'all soon.
I took Piper to daycare a couple of times last week, just to play and get familiar with the place. She was awesome, very independent, and didn't really seem to care the few times that I left the room. I'm dropping her off to spend the morning there by herself tomorrow, then she's booked in again for Wednesday and Friday (full day). It's definitely going to take some adjusting, with a new routine and all, but I'm not worried about her going to daycare - I knew before that she would be fine, but after spending a few mornings there with her, I'm even more sure. The staff seems very nice, and they're accommodating about sleep stuff, which is really my only worry for Piper. She's never been a great napper, but I figure those ladies have cared for dozens of kids, and I've just had one, so maybe they can figure her out.

previous entry: so i'll start a revolution from my bed.

next entry: we are the champions, my friend.

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We had a similar issue for Thor's pictures! We had to end up leaving and going back a week later. The second time still didn't go as I had hoped but she did end up getting some good shots. I can't wait to see yours!

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

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