i'd say that i am 85% recovered. i'm still not hugely hungry, but i managed a cup of soup for lunch, and i'm thinking i'll have the same for dinner tonight. i had to skip josh's family's easter dinner, which i'm sure is quite the feast, but i just didn't want to risk it. i'd hate to get anyone else sick. not to mention that i'm sticking pretty close to the washroom today. my tummy is mostly calm, but i can safely say that yesterday's paranoia about a possible bowel obstruction has been firmly dispelled. ew.
this afternoon's film of choice was 'across the universe'. this will of course bring about a mad beatles binge. not that a beatles binge is a bad thing. i suppose it's actually a pro, because it will encourage me to update my ipod, which is on the list of things to do before we go away next weekend anyway.
holy lord, i'm bored. |