I can't believe that Piper is nearly a month old! I stepped on the scale with ther this morning (very scientific) and she weighs about 10 and a half pounds! meaning she has gained more than a quarter of her body weight since birth. Pretty sure I'm feeding her straight up cream at this point.
We went to my mom's on Thursday, and stayed the night. She was really stuffy/snuffly and I'm not sure if it was that, or being in a new place, but she was up fussing and nursing from 2-4:30 am. I was exhausted, but it was nice to have my mom sit up with me for company. Otherwise, she's been pretty good at night.
I have to call WestJet tomorrow and put Piper on our flight up north to see Josh's family. I have to check with them as to what I can use as identification if her birth certificate doesn't arrive in time (we were told 6-8 weeks when we applied, we're flying on week 7).
Piper has outgrown her first sleeper, and I think we are done with newborn diapers. The size 1's look so big on her, but I'm sure we'll be used to them shortly.
I feel like I'm ready for visitors now, so hopefully soon I can show off my little darling to people who have been nice enough to give us space and time to adjust to life with an infant. It's not that I don't appreciate the few visitors we've had, but I think that too many would have been overwhelming. Now I just have to work on being comfortable nursing in public so I can feel good about hosting or going out with friends more. I know that it will take practice, and I have to think a little more about the clothes that I wear, but I'll get there.

[Mama's tiny Mountie on Canada Day]

[today] |