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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: the queen of california is stepping down. [photo]

next entry: please have mercy on me.

you've been working and i've been waiting.


You guys! Holy shit. I haven't written since NOVEMBER?!?!! And y'all just let me get away with that?! Jeez.
There's no sense trying to get all caught up. I won't even bother with pictures.
Suffice to say that Christmas was wonderful, Piper was spoiled (by her grandparents! We literally bought her a car seat and one toy from Santa).
Time has been marching on, of course. Piper is now 9 (nearly 10) months old. She has 8 (nearly 9) teeth, she babbles up a storm, and she's moving like crazy - crawling and cruising along furniture, cupboards, walls, whatever she can get her little hands on. That's been going on for a while now, I'm guessing she'll be walking at 11 months (though I know she will do it whenever she's ready).
Monday Josh and I are going to see John Mayer in Toronto. It's my early birthday gift and I'm so excited! I'm a tiny bit nervous, because it's the first time I'm leaving Piper overnight, but I know that we will both do just fine, as will my mom who is looking after her. I've been out at night when Piper's gone to bed, and it's always been fine, but I've never been gone when she wakes up in the morning, or god forbid, wakes up in the middle of the night. My mom raised 2 kids though, and has been a crappy sleeper since menopause, so I know that it's nothing she can't handle. I'm crossing my fingers that kiddo is a dream though, and makes this easiest on everyone.
Later this month, we're taking Piper to her first Blue Jays game. I'm super excited for that! It's been nearly 2 years since I've been to a game, so I'm way overdue. Piper loves to people-watch, so I'm sure she'll have a good time, even if it is a bit of a long day.
I go back to work in 2 months. Part of me is really not looking forward to it, part of me is totally cool with the thought. We secured a daycare spot for Piper a couple of months ago, and that was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It's not our first choice place, mostly because of location, but it will be fine and we are staying on the wait-list for our top choice. I'm hoping that I get back into the swing of things quickly at work, and that we can settle on a daycare/days off/life routine that works for all 3 of us.
I swear I'm going to try to update more often. I read my faves (and some randoms) constantly, but I'm usually on my phone and hate doing entries from there. Still, 5 months is obscene.

previous entry: the queen of california is stepping down. [photo]

next entry: please have mercy on me.

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Glad to see you updating again! I have you on social media, so I never thought to pester you about bloop lol. JOHN FUCKIN' MAYER!!! <3

[head.above.water.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah! He's my boyfriend and we're in love so it should be a good show. Haha.

[girlsetsfire|0 likes] [|reply]

Wow she has a lot of teeth! Thor has two. We think he might have a third coming I. Soon but aren't sure. I think Thor will be walking by 11 months too!

I bet that concert will be fun and well deserved!

I wish I got that much time off with Thor. The US really neeeds to I prlvebealthcarw and maternity leave.

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

Whenever we're out and strangers chat with us they can't get over how many teeth she has. She's had 8 since 8 months. She's a crappy teether, it really bothers her, so maybe she just wants to get them all over with.

I feel sort of like a dick saying that I "only have 2 months left" of my maternity leave, when that's more than some people (Americans) get in total. But I really have loved being home with her, not to mention how difficult it is to find infant child care... the year mat leave is something that I totally support.

[girlsetsfire|0 likes] [|reply]

I wish we had that kind of maternity leave here. I think it important.

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

I have to write the final part of my story on here. It should have been written MONTHS ago. But I just haven't felt like doing it. And no one has held me accountable, either. The hell!? hahaha.


[Love, RebekahStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: the queen of california is stepping down. [photo]

next entry: please have mercy on me.

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