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Harlequin LaCroix
by ~Hel

previous entry: Not so Constant Vigilance (Dec. 20th)

next entry: Waiting for the New Year (Dec. 31)

Filling one's dance card...a.k.a...Annoying Professors (Dec. 24th)


Harlequin had carefully prepared her hair with the slithering snakes once more, and dressed in her usual colors, complete with a red ringmaster style jacket. Every day was a performance, and the Yule Ball was even more so. As such, Hel had decided her entertainment for the evening would include a dance with each Hogwarts professor. Most of the professors were game; after all, it was a celebration. Professor Flitwick and Hagrid were the easiest to of the professors to talk into a dance with the precocious witch. Professor Dumbledore had even consented to dance with the witch, taking the opportunity to comment upon her skills, and how he would have been quite pleased to have had a student as well verse in Transfiguration when he was teaching at Hogwarts, and that Professor McGonagall was no doubt equally impressed and thrilled to have her as a pupil.

Concluding her dance with the Headmaster, that left two professors that had thus far slipped past her grasp, professors Snape and Moody, the later, undoubtedly, was going to be the most difficult as he seemed content to avoid the witch at all costs thus far. As Harlequin approached Professor Snape, hands clasped behind her back, feigning as much innocence as she could, the man rolled his eyes slightly. “Your turn,” Harlequin announced unperturbed by his obvious disinterest in her game.

“I hardly think so,” Professor Snape returned, looking down slightly at her.

Hel scowled, “you know, that may not be in your best interest.” This statement causing Snape to raise a brow, “All I’m saying,” Harlequin began, then leaned in closer, lowering her voice, “it would be so easy for me or a classmate to have an accident in class.”

“Are you trying to blackmail me Miss LaCroix?” Snape returned.

“No,” Hel rolled her eyes, “blackmail involves secrets and threat. I’m just making an observation.”

“That mere observation could earn you a great deal of detention, Miss LaCroix.”

A snicker escaped the witch as a smirked slipped into place upon her lips. “Yeah, because we all know how detention and threats of detention are such a deterrent to me. Come on,” she blinked up innocently at the man, “just one. I’ve already danced with most every other professor, it’s your turn.” Professor Snape pinched the bridge of his nose, his annoyance clearly obvious. “One dance, and then I’ll go away,” the witch grinned up at him.

“Get rid of those ridiculous snakes,” Snape muttered through gritted teeth.

“You are no fun at all,” Harlequin returned, shaking her head, snakes slipped away, replaced with her usually white hair, the red and black streaks, though falling into a tumble of curls around her shoulders. “Better?”

“Let’s get this over with if we must,” Professor Snape returned without further comment.

The entire time Harlequin was dancing with Professor Snape she was preparing her next assault. While she had been having trouble even finding Moody for the most of the evening, while she was dancing with Snape she had caught sight of the other professor on the dance floor, with another Slytherin witch. A smirk crept onto the witch’s lips. “Oh dear god,” Snape quipped, “someone else is in trouble now.”

“Hush,” Harlequin snickered, “at least it’s not you.”

“Can I be assured then, my potions lab is safe.”

“For the rest of the year anyway,” Hel returned as the song ended. ‘Of course, the end of the year is in less than a week.’

“School year, Miss LaCroix.” Snape reiterated as she was turning away. She turned back around long enough to give him an annoyed scowl before heading towards her next victim.

“Professor Moody,” the witch called out behind him, and he uncharacteristically jumped. ‘So much for constant vigilance.’ Harlequin thought, suppressing the snicker that wanted to escape. “No more avoiding me. I have danced with every other professor, it’s your turn.”

“Like I would dance with the likes of you,” Moody returned, “you’re a constant pain in my…”

“But you danced with her,” Harlequin pointed towards a black haired Slytherin girl, who was huddled up with another girl from their house who was sporting purple locks. “It’s not fair, favoritism at the least. Which is just rude.”

“She at least pays attention in class,” Moody returned, “and doesn’t push me to my wits end.”

Harlequin crossed her arms before her, a scowl in place, “fine,” a sigh escaped the witch, “be that way. I guess I’ll just have to find something else to keep me occupied.” She began looking around the room feigning innocence, “do some exploring and what with you here…” The witch looked back at the man, a smirk finding its place on her lips. “I’m sure it will be the perfect opportunity to sate some of my curiosity. Moody went to speak once more, but Harlequin cut him off, “and if you are thinking about threatening me with detention, Professor Snape already tried that avenue when I threatened the potions lab, and it is far less intriguing to me as other things are.” A pout then formed on the witch’s lips, “come on, please,” she blinked up at him. “I’ll behave for the rest of the year.”

“Does that include staying away from my trunk?” The man’s brown eye narrowed at her suspiciously.

Pulling herself up as tall as she could, arms crossed behind her back (as well as her fingers) and with the thought that the *year* wasn’t too terribly long, because she certainly didn’t mean the school year on this one, the looked as innocent as possible, “uh huh.”

“Fine then,” Moody grumbled, consenting to Hel’s request and joining the witch on the dance floor.

previous entry: Not so Constant Vigilance (Dec. 20th)

next entry: Waiting for the New Year (Dec. 31)

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