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Harlequin LaCroix
by ~Hel

previous entry: Filling one's dance card...a.k.a...Annoying Professors (Dec. 24th)

next entry: The Things We Don't Know We Know... (Jan. 10th)

Waiting for the New Year (Dec. 31)


Harlequin stood atop the Astronomy tower, the wind blowing her hair to and fro. The sky was dark, save for a few scattered stars, the new moon hiding behind the Earth’s shadow. It was close to midnight, close to the New Year. A small, devilish smirk played upon the witch’s lips. She had promised to stay away from Moody’s trunk at the Yule Ball, until the end of the year. He had not thought as quickly as Professor Snape. He had not thought to designate her promise to reach till the end of the school year. She had only minutes left to wait before she could once more begin her pursuit of the great wonders she imagined were nestled inside such a glorious trunk. “Soon, very soon.”

Resting her forearms on the wall, Hel leaned out, looking into the darkness below. Without the light of the moon it seemed a vast and empty pit, a dark abyss that could swallow one whole. It was moments like this she envied Jem’s ability to transform into a raven. How it must feel to dive into bleakness, knowing with a simple turn upwards, one could soar out of it once more. As she was contemplating such, wing beats caught her attention, a moment later her red owl, Loki, alight beside her on the wall. “Mocking me?” The owl hooted softly in reply. “So what news do you bring with you, dad?” She asked the fowl, as she noticed the piece of parchment attached to his leg, “No doubt endless excuses from the snake and wolf as to why I have yet to receive my Yuletide goodies.” Slipping the parchment free she opened it carefully, a smile forming as she read through the carefully scrawled writing. “Do you know what this says dad?” Loki shook his head in reply. “Very well then,” the witch returned, “I will tell you. Madam Zarah says that Boris has contracted several new shows in the Wizarding World. And on top of that, he has been in contact with the headmaster, who has told them it would be more than alright for them to come to the school and pick me up at the end of the year. In fact, he said it would be a delight to have the Cirque around during the closing festivities of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.”

The owl hooted a reply, the same time the clock tower announced the end of the night, as well as the closing of the year. “Ah, beautiful, beautiful midnight,” the witch smiled, “come Loki,” she patted her shoulder as she stood up straight, the owl lifted up from the wall and settled himself on her shoulder. “It also says that the shaggy and scaly ones lost all their money playing bones, but will be sure to have me something in the post by my birthday. Do you believe that one?” The owl hooted once more. “Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it too. Anyway,” clasping her hands together, Harlequin headed towards the tower door. “We shall get to a treat, and settled into the owlery, then we shall see what kind of mischief I can stir up. After all, it’s a brand new shiny year, and a girl must have some fun.”

previous entry: Filling one's dance card...a.k.a...Annoying Professors (Dec. 24th)

next entry: The Things We Don't Know We Know... (Jan. 10th)

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