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Heather's Comment Layouts
by comment.layouts

previous entry: Request for *starry.eyed.girl*

Request for CrystalShapedHeart


Request for CrystalShapedHeart

That's my regular diary. I was due for a new comment layout and I wanted the layout to match my title.


Taking requests

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previous entry: Request for *starry.eyed.girl*

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Are you going to be throwing some christmas/wintery comment layouts together soon? I probably could just go back but I was curious =)

I found some really cute backgrounds online lol but I don't think you can use them as they're HUGE!

[*-.Stephanie.-* Star|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: lol its okay. thanks! <3

[ღExpecting#4|0 likes] [|reply]

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