Sparkly Tutorial
From That ----> That
Sparkle color tutorial
Start with your base image. I'm using an image of Rachel McAdams, cropped to be 100x100 pixels
Duplicate the image and desatureate it (ctrl+shift+u)
Now, go to Layer>New Layer and set that layer to overlay. With your brush tool, colorize her eyes and lips.
For her eyes I used #279932 with a 3px pencil
For her lips I used #CF6161 with a 3px pencil
Next, choose your textures. I'm using stars, by stephy @ stephy's.portfolio and colorful textures by arisubox
Take your colorful texture, and set it to color burn, or multiply. I'm setting mine to multiply becuase I think it looks best, but it really depends on the texture you choose. Now, get your eraser and erase any area covering her neck and face. Now, you can go to layer>layerstyle>pattern overlay and insert a bevelline of your choice if you have bevellines downloaded. I'm going to use a white bevelline and set it to soft light
Take your sparkle/star texture and place it over your image. Set it to screen 100%.
and you should now have an image something like this
And, if you like this, you could be done.
But, if you want a frame kind of look, stick around.
select ctrl+shift+e to merge all layers.
create a new layer, and fill it with white (#ffffff)
Now, select a frame like brush, I got mine at ewanism, entitled polaroid.
set it to black (#000000) and select an area you want to have the frame.
Resize your orignal image to fit into that frame, but about 10px smaller all around.
and voila! you are done! unless you'd like to add some snazzy text, in which case I used Violation and sized it down and then used a little heart brush.
and there it is. |