Hey there
just writing to say a new version is up. I had some time over break, and I was tired of looking at my icecream cones, lol. The cupcake was hand drawn on mah tablet (love this thing), and my sister is getting a silk screening machine, which excites me because now I can design my own graphic tees!
anyway, just writing a small update on my. I start school Thursday (random day I know), been here there, and everywhere. Had all 4 wisdom teeth removed a week and a half ago, so I have been home a lot, and been crafty/artsy.
I hope to be getting more icons/drawn layouts out. Awhile back someone commented asking for a different color kitty on my "Kitty Love" layout, so I will be posting that (I have been outright shitty at not replying to comments well ). I joined Themed Lims so I am hoping it keeps me artistic through the semester (that is if I last, there's some awesome entries this round! I feel intimidated!). Also a plug for Redlight Rhapsody Challenges, they need entries, and if you want to participate in a challenge, you should totally go join!
Alright. I go now. Hope everyone is having a fabulous New Year!