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Love my two boys
by Mommyto3
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Love my two boys <3
by Mommyto3

next entry: _//. a picture perfect day like today :)

_//missed you guys


soooo, i thought i would make a new diary, ( which i did ) but then i realized, hmm. then that would still be hiding what i am about to say, well you know how people say you know when you are gay. well it is true you do know when one is gay straight lesbian whatever, since i was little or since i can remember, i have always known i was different, but always put that feeling aside because my mother never condoned it, for the people that know, i dont get along with my mother so now i am at the point where i really dont care, but anyways.

i guess what i am trying to tell my fellow bloop followers that yes i am a LESBIAN

a proud one at that <3 i am currently in a relationship with my partner carmen.

i just graduated from everest university as a medical assistant now im looking for a job in my career. i currently work at t-mobile i am a sell rep there. WHICH I MIGHT ADD SUCKS.!! but thank god i have a job at least i know not many can say that. well, what else should i add to all of that? i am trying to also enroll BACK into school just so that i can further the education and doing nursing

carmen? well we "semi" live together. she is always in my house just the majority of her stuff is at her moms, she is a manager at mcdonalds right across from my job, that is how we meet it took me super long to give her my number super nervous on how she would react since i didnt want to expose myself but i cant complain now no i am not in love, i am just in a lot a lot a lot of like with this girl. yea it has been a month, but you know when you meet that right person it just feels right everything seems to be going down the right track. no im not going to say its perfect because it is not, she just makes me happy and as of right now that is what i want. just kind of sucks, i have trust issues, (due to my past) and i dont want that to interfere with my relationship, ( because i am aware that i have those issues) so i am trying to figure things out and see what i have to do to be able to work on my own personal issues.

as far as the boys
joziah is doing awesome speech is going GREAT he is talking so much better and
"izaiah" finally got his name change ( when he was like 4 months ) but it was finally finalized woohooo

im going to try update more frequently since i finally got a laptop AGAIN and wifi at the house woohooooo

simple layouts.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

next entry: _//. a picture perfect day like today :)

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