What year were you born? After 1980 and Before 1985.
Are you female or male or don't classify yourself as either? female
Do you have a pet? If so, what is it? Cat
Are you closer to your mom or dad? Mom
Do you have any siblings? Yes, one brother
What continent do you live on? North America
What country do you call home? USA
Have you finished your education yet? No
Have you ever been to a school dance? senior prom count?
Do you have an account on youtube? Yes
Do you like to read? Yes
Are you any good at Math? I hate math
Do you enjoy watching cartoon Disney movies? Yes I do.
Do you think Johnny Depp is talented? Very much so
Have you ever tried beer? Uh huh, on some the first taste is good but afterword it’s nasty.
On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do u think u r? 4
Have you ever tried a new food, & threw it up right away?What was it? No. Spit it out, not threw up
Did you ever fall off the top of a slide as a kid? No, didn’t have bunkbed.
how about falling off monkey bars? three times tops
fallen off a swing? No
Were you ever beaten up when you were younger than 10 years old? Nope
Are your grandparents still alive? ...No, my mom’s parents died before I was born and my father’s dad, but grandma (my dad’s mom) did when I was in 10 or 11th grades.
Do you know how to skip(jump rope)? used to
Do you play outside A LOT as a kid? I spent a good amount of time outside
Did you like where you grew up? IN ways
Did you have friends in your neighborhood to play with? Yes
Did any of your friends have a pool you swam in? I had the pool.
Is it called "junior high" where you live? (before high school) err, I don’t know
Or is called "middle school"? Yes
Can you NOT start your day without a cup of coffee? No, I do drink coffee but I could start my day without it but there are times when I have to.
you love:men or women?(sexually) MEN
Have you ever read an Archie comic? No
Did you grow up in the 1990s? Yes
Did you have a cup of tea with breakfast growing up? No
Was your family ever on social assistance/welfare? Nope
Was anyone in your family ever physically abusive? Never
how about verbally or emotionally abusive? Never
Can you run as fast as you can for more than 5 minutes at a time? Probably not
Do you have a favorite singer or a fave band? Of course
Was it different when you were a kid?(your taste in music) Yes and no
your 1st crush was.....on who?how old were you? Glen Gottenburge since elementary school and middle school.
Are you trying to lose weight? Yes
Whose side of the family u prefer?mom's or dad's? Mom’s
Do you consider yourself a good kisser? I wouldn't know, really