Oh, nom, even if I hate that you did them so fast (seriously, HOW?!?! ), these are amazing. I especially love 3, 2, and the cupcake. You do such nice cupcakes! What were our other colors? Mauve and... er... I don't remember. I guess that means I'm doing mauve, lol.♥ -
LOL I love it that you're so fast you keep Lauren on her toes!
These are awesome. Number 3, the little girl one is most definitely my favourite, I'd totally steal that and use it. However, I also LOVE 1 and 2! And like, yummy cupcake!!!! And number 7 and 8 are also awesome and very much finished! Pfft.
I think this is my favourite set that you've done for this battle so far. I'm loving it. I'd use so many of these.
ryc: in my opinion with my level of ability to make icons i personally found them difficult to make into an icon in the style i like to. i was not suggesting they were bad images, i was merely expressing i found it difficult. i also mentioned that people are a weak point for me.
RYC: Thanks for the comment. You're also one of the few people who welcomed me whose diary I can view. Tragic stuff.
I'm not sure eating little is too commendable, really! It's coincided with depression for me, forgetting to eat and just generally not taking care of myself. Hopefully this diary will help me to figure out just how off my eating habits are!